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[英]Input to the Neural Network using an array

I am writing a neural network to take the Mel frequency coefficients as inputs and then run the model.我正在编写一个神经网络以将 Mel 频率系数作为输入,然后运行 model。 My dataset contains 100 samples - each sample is an array of 12 values corresponding to the coefficients.我的数据集包含 100 个样本 - 每个样本是一个由 12 个值组成的数组,对应于系数。 After splitting this data into train and test sets, I have created the X input corresponding to the array and the y input corresponding to the label.将此数据拆分为训练集和测试集后,我创建了对应于数组的 X 输入和对应于 label 的 y 输入。

Data array containing the coefficients包含系数的数据数组

Here is a small sample of my data containing 5 elements in the X_train array:这是我的数据的一个小样本,其中包含 X_train 数组中的 5 个元素:

['[107.59366 -14.153783 24.799461 -8.244417 20.95272\n -4.375943 12.77285 -0.92922235 3.9418116 7.3581047\n -0.30066165 5.441765 ]' '[ 96.49664 2.0689797 21.557552 -32.827045 7.348135 -23.513977\n 7.9406714 -16.218931 10.594619 -21.4381 0.5903044 -10.569035 ]' '[105.98041 -2.0483367 12.276348 -27.334534 6.8239 -23.019623\n 7.5176797 -21.884727 11.349695 -22.734652 3.0335162 -11.142375 ]' '[ 7.73094559e+01 1.91073620e+00 6.72225571e+00 -2.74525508e-02\n 6.60858107e+00 5.99264860e-01 1.96265772e-01 -3.94772577e+00\n 7.46383286e+00 5.42239428e+00 1.21432066e-01 2.44894314e+00]'] ['[107.59366 -14.153783 24.799461 -8.244417 20.95272\n -4.375943 12.77285 -0.92922235 3.9418116 7.3581047\n -0.30066165 5.441765 ]' '[ 96.49664 2.0689797 21.557552 -32.827045 7.348135 -23.513977\n 7.9406714 -16.218931 10.594619 -21.4381 0.5903044 -10.569035 ]' ' [105.98041 -2.0483367 12.276348 -27.334534 6.8239 -23.019623\n 7.5176797 -21.884727 11.349695 -22.734652 3.0335162 -11.142375 ]' '[ 7.73094559e+01 1.91073620e+00 6.72225571e+00 -2.74525508e-02\n 6.60858107e+00 5.99264860e -01 1.96265772e-01 -3.94772577e+00\n 7.46383286e+00 5.42239428e+00 1.21432066e-01 2.44894314e+00]']

When I create the Neural network, I want to use the 12 coefficients as an input for the network.当我创建神经网络时,我想使用 12 个系数作为网络的输入。 In order to do this, I need to use each row of my X_train dataset that contains these arrays as the input.为此,我需要使用包含这些 arrays 的 X_train 数据集的每一行作为输入。 However, when I try to consider the array index as an input it gives me shape errors when trying to fit the model.但是,当我尝试将数组索引视为输入时,在尝试拟合 model 时会出现形状错误。 My model is as follows:我的 model 如下:

def build_model_graph():
model = Sequential()
# Compile the model
model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'], optimizer='adam')
return model

Here, I want to use every row of the X_train array as an input which would correspond to the shape(12,).在这里,我想使用 X_train 数组的每一行作为对应于 shape(12,) 的输入。 When I use something like this:当我使用这样的东西时:

num_epochs = 50
num_batch_size = 32
model.fit(x_train, y_train, batch_size=num_batch_size, epochs=num_epochs, 
validation_data=(x_test, y_test), verbose=1)

I get an error for the shape which makes sense to me.我得到一个对我有意义的形状错误。 For reference, the error is as follows:供参考,错误如下:

ValueError: Exception encountered when calling layer "sequential_20" (type Sequential).

Input 0 of layer "dense_54" is incompatible with the layer: expected min_ndim=2, found ndim=1. Full shape received: (None,)

But I am not exactly sure how I can extract the array of 12 coefficients present at each index of the X_train and then use it in the model input.但我不确定如何提取 X_train 的每个索引处存在的 12 个系数的数组,然后在 model 输入中使用它。 Indexing the x_train and y_train did not work either.索引 x_train 和 y_train 也不起作用。 If anyone could point me in a relevant direction, it would be extremely helpful.如果有人能指出我的相关方向,那将非常有帮助。 Thanks!谢谢!

Edit: My code for the dataframe is as follows:编辑:我的 dataframe 代码如下:

clapdf = pd.read_csv("clapsdf.csv")
clapdf.drop('Unnamed: 0', inplace=True, axis=1)
nonclapdf = pd.read_csv("nonclapsdf.csv")
nonclapdf.drop('Unnamed: 0', inplace=True, axis=1)
sound_df = clapdf.append(nonclapdf)
data = df[0].to_numpy()
print("Before-->", data.shape)
dat = np.array([np.array(d) for d in data])
print('After-->', dat.shape)

Here, the shape remains the same as the values of each of the 80 samples are not in a comma separated format but instead in the form of a series.在这里,形状保持不变,因为 80 个样本中的每一个的值不是以逗号分隔的格式,而是以系列的形式。

If your data looks like this:如果您的数据如下所示:

samples = 2
features = 12
x_train = tf.random.normal((samples, 1, features))
[[[-2.5988803  -0.629626   -0.8306641  -0.78226614  0.88989156
   -0.3851106  -0.66053045  1.0571191  -0.59061646 -1.1602987
    0.69124466 -0.04354193]]

 [[-0.86917496  2.2923143  -0.05498986 -0.09578358  0.85037625
   -0.54679644 -1.2213608  -1.3766612   0.35416105 -0.57801914
   -0.3699728   0.7884727 ]]], shape=(2, 1, 12), dtype=float32)

You will have to reshape it to (2, 12) in order to fit your model with the input shape (batch_size, 12) :您必须将其重塑为(2, 12)以使 model 与输入形状(batch_size, 12)相匹配:

import tensorflow as tf

def build_model_graph():
  model = tf.keras.Sequential()
  # Compile the model
  model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'], optimizer='adam')
  return model

model = build_model_graph()

samples = 2
features = 12
x_train = tf.random.normal((samples, 1, features))
x_train = tf.reshape(x_train, (samples, features))
y = tf.random.uniform((samples, 1), maxval=2, dtype=tf.int32)
y_train = tf.keras.utils.to_categorical(y, 2)
model.fit(x_train, y_train, batch_size=1, epochs=2)

Also, you usually need to convert your labels to one-hot encoded vectors if you plan to use categorical_crossentropy .此外,如果您打算使用categorical_crossentropy ,通常需要将标签转换为 one-hot 编码向量。 y_train looks like this: y_train看起来像这样:

[[0. 1.]
 [1. 0.]]

Update 1: If your data is coming from a dataframe, try something like this:更新 1:如果您的数据来自 dataframe,请尝试以下操作:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

d = {'features': [[0.18525402, 0.92130125, 0.2296906,  0.75818471, 0.69813222, 0.47147329,
                   0.03560711, 0.06583931, 0.90921289, 0.76002148, 0.50413995, 0.36099004], 
                  [0.18525402, 0.92130125, 0.2296906,  0.75818471, 0.69813222, 0.47147329,
                   0.03560711, 0.06583931, 0.90921289, 0.76002148, 0.50413995, 0.36099004]]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)

data = df['features'].to_numpy()
print('Before -->', data.shape)
data = np.array([np.array(d) for d in data])
print('After -->', data.shape)
Before --> (2,)
After --> (2, 12)

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