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[英]Find size of rotated rectangle that covers orginal rectangle

Hi everyone I have a bounding box of faces from the face detection system in the format [x1, y1, x2, y2] .大家好,我有一个来自人脸检测系统的人脸边界框,格式为[x1, y1, x2, y2]

I want to crop out and align the face my current approach is as follows: calculate the angle from the eye position then rotate and crop using cv2 warpAffine function.我想裁剪并对齐脸部,我目前的方法如下:从眼睛 position 计算角度,然后使用 cv2 warpAffine function 旋转和裁剪。

The problem is the new rotated bounding box is not completely covering the old bounding box, how I can calculate the size of the new bounding box so it completely contains the old one问题是新的旋转边界框没有完全覆盖旧边界框,我如何计算新边界框的大小使其完全包含旧边界框

Orginal image with the rectangle selected选择矩形的原始图像


Cropped and rotated image裁剪和旋转的图像


Code doing cropping part代码做裁剪部分

center = (x1 + x2) // 2, (y1 + y2) // 2
d_y = eye_center[1] - mouth_center[1]
d_x = eye_center[0] - mouth_center[0]
angle = np.degrees(np.arctan2(d_y, d_x)) + 90
M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, 1)
M[0, 2] += (width * 0.5) - center[0] # width is x2-x1 from face detector
M[1, 2] += (height * 0.5) - center[1] # height is y2-y1 from face detector
res_img = cv2.warpAffine(img, M, (width, height))

Dimensions of larger box are (for w,h = width, height of smaller box, rotation angle Fi ):大盒子的尺寸是(对于w,h = width, height ,旋转角度Fi ):

 H = w * Abs(Sin(Fi)) + h * Abs(Cos(Fi))
 W = w * Abs(Cos(Fi)) + h * Abs(Sin(Fi))

Center remains the same, so base corner coordinates are中心保持不变,所以底角坐标是

xx = centerx - (W-w)/2
yy = centery - (H-h)/2

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