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Monogame-uwp package 无法发布到 Windows 商店,因为它仍然以 Windows.Mobile 为目标,因此无法加密

[英]Monogame-uwp package can´t be published to the Windows Store because it still targets Windows.Mobile and can´t be enrypted because of that

I´m trying to publish a package (which is build with the normal uwp-template from monogame) to the Windows Store and it shows the following message:我正在尝试将 package(使用来自 monogame 的普通 uwp 模板构建)发布到 Windows 商店,它显示以下消息:

The package abcdefg_1.0.8.0_x86_x64_bundle.appxupload can’t be encrypted because it targets 
the Windows.Mobile platform, which does not support encryption. The package will be encrypted 
in your sandbox environments, but it will be published unencrypted to the Store.

Which leads to Microsoft asking me this:这导致微软问我这个:

The Target Device Family in the AppxManifest is set to Windows.Universal but that
means that your game can’t be encrypted due to Windows.Mobile not supporting it. Please set 
the Target Device Family to Windows.Xbox and Windows.Desktop
instead so that your build can be encrypted and then resubmit the new build.

If I set the target to Windows.Desktop (in Appx_Manifest setting TargetDeviceFamily to Name="Windows.Desktop") it still compiles and builds fine but the store shows me a few new errors like these:如果我将目标设置为 Windows.Desktop (在 Appx_Manifest 中将 TargetDeviceFamily 设置为 Name="Windows.Desktop")它仍然可以编译和构建,但商店向我显示了一些新的错误,例如:

Validation error: FrameworkDependencyVersionConflict -, Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00 14.0.30704.0, 10.0.10042.0
Validation error: FrameworkDependencyVersionConflict -, Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00 14.0.30704.0, 10.0.10042.0
Validation error: FrameworkDependencyVersionConflict -, Microsoft.NET.Native.Framework.2.2 2.2.29512.0, 10.0.10049.0
Validation error: FrameworkDependencyVersionConflict -, Microsoft.NET.Native.Framework.2.2 2.2.29512.0, 10.0.10049.0
Validation error: FrameworkDependencyVersionConflict -, Microsoft.NET.Native.Runtime.2.2 2.2.28604.0, 10.0.10049.0
Validation error: FrameworkDependencyVersionConflict -, Microsoft.NET.Native.Runtime.2.2 2.2.28604.0, 10.0.10049.0

Is there maybe a way to just remove windows.mobile from the uwp-build or maybe an easier way to target just Windows.Desktop and Windows.Xbox?有没有办法从 uwp-build 中删除 windows.mobile 或者更简单的方法来定位 Windows.Desktop 和 Windows.Xbox? Or is there an easy way to fix the FrameworkdependencyVersionConflict?或者有没有一种简单的方法来修复 FrameworkdependencyVersionConflict?

Thank you,谢谢,


Please change the minversion in the project file to the version the error message mentioned.请将项目文件中的 minversion 更改为错误消息中提到的版本。

Like this:像这样:

<TargetDeviceFamily Name="Windows.Desktop" MinVersion="10.0.10049.0" MaxVersionTested="10.0.10049.0" />

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