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我有 2 个点 (x1,y1) & (x2,y2) 和一个圆,假设 2 个点之间有一条线我需要检查是否与圆发生碰撞

[英]I have 2 points (x1,y1) & (x2,y2) and a circle, suppose there is a line between the 2 points I need to check if there is collision with the circle

As I mentioned in the title, suppose I have a line segment from point 1 to point 2 and there is a circle with a center and radius I need to check if there is going to be a collision with the circle using code.正如我在标题中提到的,假设我有一条从点 1 到点 2 的线段,并且有一个具有中心和半径的圆,我需要使用代码检查是否会与圆发生碰撞。 This is how far I got.这就是我走多远。 However, there is an issue with closestX and closestY since I need to check if they are on the line segment from point 1 to point 2 because if they are not on the line segment then there will be No collision.但是,最近X 和最近Y 存在问题,因为我需要检查它们是否在从点1 到点2 的线段上,因为如果它们不在线段上,则不会发生碰撞。 Sadly though Im stuck here and I cannot figure out a way to check if they are on the line segment or not.可悲的是,虽然我被困在这里,但我无法找到一种方法来检查它们是否在线段上。 Please help thank you.请帮忙谢谢。

import math

if DroneHeight<=obsHeight:
    distX= x1 - x2
    distY= y1 - y2
    length=math.sqrt((distX*distX) + (distY*distY ))
    dot= (((cx-x1)*(x2-x1)) + ((cy-y1)*(y2-y1)) )/(math.pow(length,p))
    closestX=x1+( dot * (x2-x1))
    closestY=y1+( dot * (y2-y1))
    print(" Closest x: ",closestX)
    print(" Closest y: ",closestY)
    distY= closestY-cy
    distance= math.sqrt((distX*distX) + (distY*distY ))
    print("The distance is: ", distance)
    print("The length is: ", length)
    if (r==distance):
    elif (distance<r):
        print("Will not collide")
    print(" Will not collide, the drone is higher than the obstacle")

You can calculate the squared distance of the center of the circle to the line by您可以通过以下方式计算圆心到直线的平方距离

d2 = ((y1-y2)*(cx-x1)+(x2-x1)*(cy-y1))**2/((x2-x1)**2+(y2-y1)**2)

Now just compare that value to the squared radius.现在只需将该值与平方半径进行比较。 If d2<r**2 then the line cuts the circle如果 d2<r**2 则线切圆

Ignoring the specificity of your code, let's say that you have a line segment, a center and a radius.忽略代码的特殊性,假设您有一条线段、一个中心和一个半径。 Let's write a general solution to whether a line segment in N-dimensions intersects a hyper-sphere in N-dimensions.让我们写一个 N 维中的线段是否与 N 维中的超球面相交的通用解决方案。 This will give us the correct solution for your problem in the special case of 2D.这将为我们在 2D 的特殊情况下为您的问题提供正确的解决方案。

Your function signature would look like this:您的 function 签名将如下所示:

def intersects(p1, p2, c, r):

p1 and p2 are vectors of length N. In your case, p1 = np.array([1, 1]) , and p2 = np.array([1.5, 1.5]) . p1p2是长度为 N 的向量。在您的情况下, p1 = np.array([1, 1])p2 = np.array([1.5, 1.5]) c is a vector of the same length ( c = np.array([3, 3]) ), and r is a scalar radius ( r = 1 ). c is a vector of the same length ( c = np.array([3, 3]) ), and r is a scalar radius ( r = 1 ). I strongly recommend using numpy arrays for your math because it is much faster if you use it right, and you can apply element-wise operations to arrays (eg p2 - p1 ) without using a loop.我强烈建议您使用 numpy arrays 进行数学运算,因为如果正确使用它会更快,并且您可以在不使用循环的情况下对 arrays(例如p2 - p1 )应用逐元素运算。

A line passing through p1 and p2 can be parametrized as p = p1 + t * (p2 - p1) .通过p1p2的线可以参数化为p = p1 + t * (p2 - p1) Every point on the line p corresponds some value of the parameter t .线p上的每个点都对应于参数t的某个值。 Specifically, t == 0 corresponds to p = p1 and t == 1 corresponds to p = p2 .具体来说, t == 0对应于p = p1并且t == 1对应于p = p2 That means that you can know if a point is on the line segment by checking if its parameter is in the range [0, 1] .这意味着您可以通过检查其参数是否在[0, 1]范围内来知道一个点是否在线段上。

The problem then becomes finding the value of t such that p is closest to c .然后问题变成找到t的值,使得p最接近c If t < 0 or t > 1 , then you know that the extrema for the line segment are at the endpoints.如果t < 0t > 1 ,那么您知道线段的极值在端点处。 Otherwise, you need to compare the distances of both the endpoints and the p you found.否则,您需要比较端点和您找到的p的距离。

There are a couple of different ways of coming up with the solution.有几种不同的方法可以提出解决方案。 The geometric approach uses the fact that the nearest approach happens at the perpendicular from c to the line.几何方法使用最近的方法发生在从c到直线的垂直线的事实。 The differential approach finds where the derivative of the length is zero.微分方法找到长度的导数为零的位置。 I will show the former here.我将在这里展示前者。


Looking at the diagram, you have the following equation:查看图表,您有以下等式:

(c - p).dot(p2 - p1) == 0
(c - p1 + t * (p2 - p1)).dot(p2 - p1) == 0
c.dot(p2 - p1) - p1.dot(p2 - p1) + t * (p2 - p1).dot(p2 - p1) == 0
t == (p1.dot(p2 - p1) - c.dot(p2 - p1)) / (p2 - p1).dot(p2 - p1)

You can now write your function like this:您现在可以像这样编写 function :

def intersects(p1, p2, c, r):
    c1 = np.subtract(p1, c)
    c2 = np.subtract(p2, c)

    dist1 = np.linalg.norm(c1)
    dist2 = np.linalg.norm(c2)

    # If point are on opposite sides of circle, intersects
    if (r - dist1) * (r - dist2) < 0:
        return True

    # If both on inside, does not intersect
    if r > dist1:
        return False

    dp = np.subtract(p2, p1)
    t == dp.dot(c1) / dp.dot(dp)

    # If closest approach is outside segment, does not intersect
    # convince yourself of this (use symmetry about the line c-p)
    if t < 0 or t > 1:
        return False

    cp = np.subtract(p1 + t * dp, c)
    distp = np.linalg.norm(cp)
    # only other possibility of approach is when closest point is inside radius
    return distp <= r


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