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ENOENT:没有这样的文件或目录! 在 Laravel

[英]ENOENT: no such file or directory! in Laravel

When I run npm run dev for Laravel Mix in webpack.mix.js, I get the following error: I don't know the problem.当我在 webpack.mix.js 中运行npm run dev for Laravel Mix 时,出现以下错误:我不知道这个问题。 It just sticks to one of my files.它只是粘在我的一个文件上。

[webpack-cli] [Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Users\AsemaN\Desktop\AryaBMS\resources\css\MainPage\sweetaleret2.all.min.css'] { errno: -4058, code: 'ENOENT', syscall: 'open', path: 'C:\Users\AsemaN\Desktop\AryaBMS\resources\css\MainPage\sweetaleret2.all.min.css' } npm ERR. [webpack-cli] [错误:ENOENT:没有这样的文件或目录,打开 'C:\Users\AsemaN\Desktop\AryaBMS\resources\css\MainPage\sweetaleret2.all.min.css'] { errno: -4058,代码:“ENOENT”,系统调用:“打开”,路径:“C:\Users\AsemaN\Desktop\AryaBMS\resources\css\MainPage\sweetaleret2.all.min.css”} npm 错误。 code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR.代码 ELIFECYCLE npm 错误。 errno 2 npm ERR: AryaBMS@1.0.0 development: mix npm ERR. errno 2 npm ERR:AryaBMS@1.0.0 开发: mix npm ERR。 Exit status 2 npm ERR.退出状态 2 npm ERR。 npm ERR. npm 错误。 Failed at the AryaBMS@1.0.0 development script. AryaBMS@1.0.0 开发脚本失败。 npm ERR! npm 错误! This is probably not a problem with npm.这可能不是 npm 的问题。 There is likely additional logging output above.上面可能还有其他日志记录 output。

npm ERR: A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! npm ERR:此运行的完整日志可在以下位置找到:npm ERR!
C:\Users\AsemaN\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache_logs\2022-01-26T19_09_23_305Z-debug.log npm ERR. C:\Users\AsemaN\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache_logs\2022-01-26T19_09_23_305Z-debug.log npm 错误。 code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR.代码 ELIFECYCLE npm 错误。 errno 2 npm ERR: AryaBMS@1.0.0 dev: npm run development npm ERR. errno 2 npm ERR:AryaBMS@1.0.0 dev: npm run development npm ERR。 Exit status 2 npm ERR.退出状态 2 npm ERR。 npm ERR. npm 错误。 Failed at the AryaBMS@1.0.0 dev script. AryaBMS@1.0.0 开发脚本失败。 npm ERR! npm 错误! This is probably not a problem with npm.这可能不是 npm 的问题。 There is likely additional logging output above.上面可能还有其他日志记录 output。

npm ERR: A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! npm ERR:此运行的完整日志可在以下位置找到:npm ERR!
C:\Users\AsemaN\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache_logs\2022-01-26T19_09_23_491Z-debug.log C:\Users\AsemaN\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache_logs\2022-01-26T19_09_23_491Z-debug.log

The application expects to find a file at C:\Users\AsemaN\Desktop\AryaBMS\resources\css\MainPage\sweetaleret2.all.min.css .应用程序希望在C:\Users\AsemaN\Desktop\AryaBMS\resources\css\MainPage\sweetaleret2.all.min.css找到一个文件。 However, that file does not exist.但是,该文件不存在。 EOENT means 'Error NO ENTity,' which translates to no directory or file was found in English. EOENT的意思是“Error NO ENTity”,用英语翻译为没有找到目录或文件。 So you either need to create the expected directory/file or configure your application to look in the correct directory for sweetaleret2.all.min.css.因此,您要么需要创建预期的目录/文件,要么将您的应用程序配置为在正确的目录中查找 sweetaleret2.all.min.css。 Perhaps you misspelled the file name somewhere?也许您在某处拼错了文件名?

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