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错误边界(单数)拟合:参见 lme4 Model 中的 isSingular

[英]Error boundary (singular) fit: see ?isSingular in lme4 Model

I have the following structure:我有以下结构:

'data.frame':   1041 obs. of  4 variables:
 $ RST_AST: num  0.45 0.576 0.45 0.45 0.675 ...
 $ subj   : chr  "4" "13" "24" "25" ...
 $ domain : chr  "perceptual" "perceptual" "perceptual" "perceptual" ...
 $ ce     : chr  "compromise" "compromise" "compromise" "compromise" ...

Now I want to run a Multilevel Model using lme4 package like these:现在我想使用 lme4 package 运行多级 Model ,如下所示:

library(lme4) #load package

ce_model <- lmer(RST_AST ~ domain + ce+ (1|subj), data = df_RST_AST)

Then I get the error message:然后我收到错误消息:

boundary (singular) fit: see ?isSingular

I have no clue what's wrong?我不知道出了什么问题?

Can someone help me?有人能帮我吗?

It is likely that one of your variables is not being evaluated as contributing to the variance.您的变量之一很可能没有被评估为对方差有贡献。 Most likely, the "culprit" is the random variable (subj in your case).最有可能的是,“罪魁祸首”是随机变量(在您的情况下是 subj)。 If you look at the output of your model (just print ce_model and hit enter, or summary(ce_model)), there should be a variable that has zero or very nearly zero variance and standard deviation.如果您查看 model 的 output(只需打印 ce_model 并按回车键或摘要(ce_model)),应该有一个变量的方差和标准偏差为零或几乎为零。 There are several ways to deal with this (see any of the links above).有几种方法可以解决这个问题(请参阅上面的任何链接)。 I would recommend analyzing the faulty variable, what kind of distribution does it have, can it be transformed, ...etc.我建议分析错误变量,它有什么样的分布,可以转换,...等等。 Perhaps you need to do one or more generalized models with the data.也许您需要对数据进行一个或多个通用模型。 It might also be helpful to look at your model or models;查看您的 model 或型号也可能会有所帮助; however, without further info it is hard to tell.但是,如果没有进一步的信息,很难说。

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