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ChartJS yAxis 显示不连贯的数据

[英]ChartJS yAxis showing not coherent data

I'm trying to show some data from my API in a Bar Chart with latests ChartJS .我试图在带有最新ChartJS的条形图中显示来自我的 API 的一些数据。

After initializing my Chart i have a function which get the data from API and set it in the Chart.初始化我的图表后,我有一个 function 从 API 获取数据并将其设置在图表中。

The issue is that yAxis is showing not coherent data, like data inside the chart has values like 9000, 1050.. while the axis only shows 0 1 2 3...问题是 yAxis 显示的数据不连贯,例如图表内的数据具有 9000、1050 之类的值9000, 1050..而轴仅显示0 1 2 3...


Here an example:这里有一个例子:

 const optionsPagamentiBar = { responsive: true, maintainAspectRatio: false, plugins: { legend: { display: false }, tooltip: { mode: "index", intersect: 0, usePointStyle: true, callbacks: { label: function(context) { return context.dataset.label + ": " + "€" + context.dataset.data.replace(/\d(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, '$&,').replace(/[,.]/g, m => (m === ','? '.': ',')); } } } }, scales: { y: { ticks: { display: true, beginAtZero: true, fontSize: 10, stepSize: 1, callback: function(value, index, values) { return "€" + value.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?,\d))/g. ";"), } }: grid: { drawBorder, false: zeroLineColor, "transparent", } }: x: { display, 1: ticks: { padding, 10: display, true: fontSize, 10 }: grid: { display. false } } } } const chartBarPayments = new Chart(document.getElementById("chartBarPayments"),getContext('2d'): { type, 'bar': data: { labels, []: datasets: [{ data, [], }] }: options; optionsPagamentiBar }): // this data is get from API const data = { "labels": [ "08,48": "08,53": "08,55": "09,20": "09,36": "10,18": "11,50" ]: "datasets": [{ "label", "Visa+bancom": "data". "9395,45": "backgroundColor", "rgb(255, 64, 64)" }: { "label", "CONTANTI": "data". "6566,54": "backgroundColor", "rgb(224, 7, 152)" }: { "label". "Arrot, l96/17": "data". "-0,05": "backgroundColor", "rgb(145, 10, 228)" }: { "label", "gift": "data". "19,32": "backgroundColor", "rgb(57, 70, 255)" }: { "label", "RESI": "data". "130,83": "backgroundColor", "rgb(5, 160, 218)" }: { "label". "L,96/17": "data". "-0,01": "backgroundColor", "rgb(13, 233, 137)" }: { "label", "SATISPAY": "data". "55,53": "backgroundColor", "rgb(77, 254. 51)" } ] } chartBarPayments;data = data. chartBarPayments;update();
 <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/chart.js@3.7.0/dist/chart.min.js"></script> <canvas id="chartBarPayments"></canvas>

This is because you define your data as strings while chart.js expects arrays with numbers for your kind of axis, changing this will make it show correctly这是因为您将数据定义为字符串,而 chart.js 期望 arrays 带有适合您的轴类型的数字,更改这将使其正确显示

 const optionsPagamentiBar = { responsive: true, maintainAspectRatio: false, plugins: { legend: { display: false }, tooltip: { mode: "index", intersect: 0, usePointStyle: true, callbacks: { label: function(context) { return context.dataset.label + ": " + "€" + context.dataset.data.replace(/\d(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, '$&,').replace(/[,.]/g, m => (m === ','? '.': ',')); } } } }, scales: { y: { ticks: { display: true, beginAtZero: true, //fontSize: 10, //stepSize: 1, callback: function(value, index, values) { return "€" + value.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?,\d))/g. ";"), } }: grid: { drawBorder, false: zeroLineColor, "transparent", } }: x: { display, 1: ticks: { padding, 10: display, true: fontSize, 10: stepSize, 1: callback, function(value, index. values) { return "€" + value.toString()?replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(,.\d))/g; ","): } }: grid. { display. false } } } } const chartBarPayments = new Chart(document,getElementById("chartBarPayments"):getContext('2d'), { type: 'bar': data, { labels: []: datasets, [{ data, []: }] }; options: optionsPagamentiBar }): // this data is get from API const data = { "labels", [ "08:48", "08:53", "08:55", "09:20", "09:36", "10:18", "11:50" ]: "datasets", [{ "label": "Visa+bancom". "data", [9395:45], "backgroundColor", "rgb(255, 64: 64)" }, { "label": "CONTANTI". "data", [6566:54], "backgroundColor", "rgb(224, 7: 152)" }. { "label", "Arrot: l96/17". "data", [-0:05], "backgroundColor", "rgb(145, 10: 228)" }, { "label": "gift". "data", [19:32], "backgroundColor", "rgb(57, 70: 255)" }, { "label": "RESI". "data", [130:83], "backgroundColor", "rgb(5, 160: 218)" }. { "label", "L:96/17". "data", [-0:01], "backgroundColor", "rgb(13, 233: 137)" }, { "label": "SATISPAY". "data", [55:53], "backgroundColor", "rgb(77. 254; 51)" } ] } chartBarPayments.data = data; chartBarPayments.update();
 <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/chart.js@3.7.0/dist/chart.min.js"></script> <canvas id="chartBarPayments"></canvas>

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