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加入 Python 中的大文件

[英]joining big files in Python

I have several HEVEC files that I'd like to merge.我有几个要合并的 HEVEC 文件。 With small files (about 1.5 GB) the following code works fine对于小文件(大约 1.5 GB),以下代码可以正常工作

with open(path+"/"+str(sys.argv[2])+"_EL.265", "wb") as outfile:
        for fname in dirs:
                with open(path+"/"+fname, 'rb') as infile:

With bigger files (8 GB or more) the same code get stuck.对于更大的文件(8 GB 或更多),相同的代码会卡住。 I've copied from here ( Lazy Method for Reading Big File in Python? ) the code to read big files in chunks and I've integrated it with my code:我从这里( Python 中的读取大文件的惰性方法?)复制了用于读取大文件的代码,并将其与我的代码集成:

def read_in_chunks(file_object, chunk_size=1024):
    """Lazy function (generator) to read a file piece by piece.
    Default chunk size: 1k."""
    while True:
        data = file_object.read(chunk_size)
        if not data:
        yield data

with open(path + "/" + str(sys.argv[2]) + "_BL.265", "wb") as outfile_bl:
        for fname in dirs:
                    with open(path+"/"+fname, 'rb') as infile:
                            for piece in read_in_chunks(infile):

This code produces a file that is of the right size but it is no longer an HEVC file and cannot be read by a video player.此代码生成大小合适的文件,但它不再是 HEVC 文件,视频播放器无法读取。

Any Idea?任何想法? Please help请帮忙


You are reading from infile in two different places: inside read_in_chunks , and directly when you call outfile_bl .您在两个不同的地方从infile读取:在read_in_chunks内部,以及在您调用outfile_bl时直接读取。 This causes you to skip writing the data just read into the variable piece , so you only copy roughly half the file.这会导致您跳过将刚刚读取的数据写入变量piece ,因此您只复制了大约一半的文件。

You've already read data into piece ;您已经将数据读入piece just write that to your file.只需将其写入您的文件即可。

with open(path + "/" + str(sys.argv[2]) + "_BL.265", "wb") as outfile_bl:
    for fname in dirs:
        with open(path+"/"+fname, 'rb') as infile:
            for piece in read_in_chunks(infile):

As an aside, you don't really need to define read_in_chunks , or at least its definition can be simplified greatly by using iter :顺便说一句,您实际上不需要定义read_in_chunks ,或者至少可以通过使用iter大大简化其定义:

def read_in_chunks(file_object, chunk_size=1024):
    """Lazy function (generator) to read a file piece by piece.
    Default chunk size: 1k."""

    yield from iter(lambda: file_object.read(chunk_size), '')

    # Or
    # from functools import partial
    # yield from iter(partial(file_object.read, chunk_size), '')

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