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Select 来自 MDF 文件的非零元素 MATLAB

[英]Select nonzero elements from MDF files in MATLAB

I am currently working with MDF file(.mf4) in MATLAB and I don't want to see the ChannelNumsamples that contain no values or lets say zero values so how to do that?我目前正在使用 MATLAB 中的 MDF 文件 (.mf4),我不想看到不包含值的 ChannelNumsamples 或让我们说零值,那么该怎么做呢? I have tried with this code.我试过这段代码。 but it is not helping me to extract nonzeroes elements.但它并没有帮助我提取非零元素。

cc = table2array(dd(1,:))
if table2array(A(x,"ChannelGroupNumSamples")) >= 0
else disp('nodata')

Elements = sum(cc ~= 0)
elementscount = nonzeros(Elements)

To open an MDF file and read the data from it, but remove channel groups that don't contain any samples, you can do something like要打开 MDF 文件并从中读取数据,但删除不包含任何样本的通道组,您可以执行类似

m = mdf('myMDFfile.mf4');
mData = m.read;
for group = 1:numel(m.ChannelGroup)
    if m.ChannelGroup(group).NumSamples == 0
        mData(group) = [];

Now mData is a cell array of timetables containing only the data from the channel groups that had one or more samples.现在mData是一个时间表元胞数组,仅包含来自具有一个或多个样本的通道组的数据。

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