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Twilio Studio IVR 呼叫在收集用户输入之前断开

[英]Twilio Studio IVR call disconnects before user the input is gathered

I am setting up an IVR flow in Twilio Studio.我正在 Twilio Studio 中设置 IVR 流程。 I have a function that validates the user's phone number and then fetches some data.我有一个 function 验证用户的电话号码,然后获取一些数据。 Once the data is fetched, I need to ask the user to input their zip code.获取数据后,我需要让用户输入他们的 zip 代码。 I have used the "Gather Input On Call" widget.我使用了“在通话中收集输入”小部件。 But the call gets disconnected as soon as the flow reaches this widget (event hangup is triggered).但是一旦流到达此小部件,呼叫就会断开(触发事件挂断)。

Any idea what I could be missing?知道我可能会遗漏什么吗? Is it possible to gather multiple digits as User Input in IVR flow?是否可以在 IVR 流程中收集多个数字作为用户输入?

If you use a Run Function Widget and want to return TwiML, you should use a TwiML redirect widget to call the Function instead, then use the suggested syntax below to return to the Studio flow.如果您使用运行 Function 小部件并希望返回 TwiML,则应使用 TwiML 重定向小部件来调用 Function,然后使用下面建议的语法返回到 Studio 流程。

TwiML Redirect Widget https://www.twilio.com/docs/studio/widget-library/twiml-redirect TwiML 重定向小部件https://www.twilio.com/docs/studio/widget-library/twiml-redirect

Returning Control to Studio将控制权交还给工作室

To handle returning control to Studio, you need to specify a to the Studio Webhook URL and append?FlowEvent=return.要处理将控制权返回给 Studio,您需要向 Studio Webhook URL 和 append?FlowEvent=return 指定 a。 Any additional parameters specified in the return URL will be injected into the Studio context and addressable via Liquid template variables.返回 URL 中指定的任何其他参数都将注入 Studio 上下文并可通过 Liquid 模板变量寻址。

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