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如何将大文件上传到 Horton work Sandbox HDP 2.6.5

[英]How can upload large files to the Horton work Sandbox HDP 2.6.5

Is there any solution dor the error "request Entity Too large" When try to upload file the size more than 200Mb using Hortonworks Sandbox 2.6.5?当尝试使用 Hortonworks Sandbox 2.6.5 上传超过 200Mb 的文件时出现错误“request Entity Too large”是否有任何解决方案?

Generally, never use a UI tool to upload data to HDFS (Ambari, HUE, etc).通常,不要使用 UI 工具将数据上传到 HDFS(Ambari、HUE 等)。

SCP files from your host into the Sandbox (or mount a shared volume), then use hdfs put CLI commands.将主机中的 SCP 文件放入沙箱(或安装共享卷),然后使用hdfs put CLI 命令。

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