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带有 VirtualBox 的 Mac 上的 Hortonworks Sandbox HDP 2.6.5

[英]Hortonworks Sandbox HDP 2.6.5 on Mac with VirtualBox

I am new to Hortonworks Sandbox HDP 2.6.5.我是 Hortonworks Sandbox HDP 2.6.5 的新手。 I have it successfully installed on a MacOS Catalina, itself running VirtualBox.我将它成功安装在运行 VirtualBox 的 MacOS Catalina 上。 All is good - I can access the Ambari dashboard and ssh from my Mac to the Hadoop FS.一切都很好 - 我可以从我的 Mac 访问 Ambari 仪表板和 ssh 到 Hadoop FS。

However, I am confused about what is where and therefore how to access....但是,我对什么是在哪里以及如何访问感到困惑......

I can ssh using this line: maria_dev@ -p 2222我可以使用这一行 ssh:maria_dev@ -p 2222

.... and I arrive here: maria_dev@sandbox-hdp ....我到达这里:maria_dev@sandbox-hdp

This looks a lot like the Hadoop file system.这看起来很像 Hadoop 文件系统。

In Ambari, I use the FileView to navigate in the GUI to user/maria_dev在 Ambari 中,我使用 FileView 在 GUI 中导航到 user/maria_dev

This looks to me like I am navigating the Linux host.这在我看来就像是在浏览 Linux 主机。

Assuming this is correct(..is it?) , how to I ssh to here (user/maria_dev) from a terminal on my Mac?假设这是正确的(..是吗?),我如何从 Mac 上的终端 ssh 到这里(user/maria_dev)?

Thanks in advance Simon在此先感谢西蒙

Ambari fileview is HDFS Ambari 文件视图是 HDFS

You don't see HDFS files from an SSH session without using the hdfs fs commands如果不使用hdfs fs命令,您将看不到 SSH 会话中的 HDFS 文件

FWIW, HDP 2.6 has been deprecated for a few years FWIW,HDP 2.6 已被弃用几年

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