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[英]Cannot install antspyx (no local ITK installation found, but ITK is installed)

I tried to install antspyx via pip install antspyx .我尝试通过pip install antspyx

Why does pip not found my local ITK installation?为什么 pip 没有找到我本地的 ITK 安装? It is installed in /usr/lib (package insight-toolkit installed via pacman).它安装在/usr/lib (通过 pacman 安装的包 insight-toolkit)。

Modules/ThirdParty/GDCM/src/gdcm/Source/MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmImageChangePhotometricInterpretation.h:67:64: error: 'numeric_limits' is not a member of 'std'

This is probably related to the version of your compiler.这可能与您的编译器版本有关。 Or maybe ANTs build script has some errors in it.或者可能 ANTs 构建脚本中有一些错误。 Best place for fowllow-up is ANTs issue tracker . fowlow-up 的最佳位置是 ANTs issue tracker

Ok, I managed the No local ITK installation found message by setting the environment variable ITK_DIR=/usr/lib/cmake/ITK-5.2 .好的,我通过设置环境变量ITK_DIR=/usr/lib/cmake/ITK-5.2管理了No local ITK installation found消息。

Additionally, I had to set the option -DModule_GenericLabelInterpolator:BOOL=ON in the itk pkgbuild file to avoid further issues.此外,我必须在 itk pkgbuild 文件中设置选项-DModule_GenericLabelInterpolator:BOOL=ON以避免进一步的问题。

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