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使用 UTM 将 VHDX 文件转换为 qcow2 文件的原因(苹果硅上的虚拟 windows11)

[英]Reason for converting VHDX files into qcow2 files in using UTM(virtual windows11 on apple silicon)

I'm just wondering that reasons for converting VHDX files into qcow2 files in using UTM program.我只是想知道使用 UTM 程序将 VHDX 文件转换为 qcow2 文件的原因。

I want to use windows11 on m1 mac, and I saw a post by others.我想在m1 mac上使用windows11,看到别人发的帖子。

But they said "Convert VHDX file into qcow2 file.", I wonder that reasons for.但是他们说“将 VHDX 文件转换为 qcow2 文件。”,我想知道这是什么原因。

More or less for performance.或多或少是为了性能。 VHDX files are converted into qcow2 as it better integrates with the qemu architecture which is used for virtualisation on Apple Silicon Macs (M1+). VHDX文件被转换为qcow2 ,因为它更好地与用于 Apple Silicon Mac (M1+) 上的虚拟化的qemu架构集成。

This conversion is done automatically by UTM when creating the virtual machine manually converting is no longer necessary.此转换由 UTM 在创建虚拟机时自动完成,不再需要手动转换。

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