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okio FileHandle有没有类似于java中的RandomAccessFile.getchannel()的东西?

[英]Does okio FileHandle have something similar to RandomAccessFile.getchannel() in java?

My problem is if the buffer is split, I want to make it contagious.我的问题是如果缓冲区被拆分,我想让它具有传染性。 In java, I used FileChannel for this purpose.在 java 中,我为此使用了 FileChannel。

See the FileHandle API , which has source() and sink() methods to read or write sequentially.请参阅FileHandle API ,它具有source()sink()方法来顺序读取或写入。 If you call sink().buffer() the result implements WritableByteChannel and source().buffer() implements ReadableByteChannel .如果你调用sink().buffer() ,结果实现WritableByteChannelsource().buffer()实现ReadableByteChannel

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