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为什么 tanh function 在 tensorflow 和 pytorch 中返回不同?

[英]Why tanh function return different in tensorflow and pytorch?

I find that tensorflow and pytorch tanh result is different, I want to know why did this happen?我发现tensorflowpytorch tanh结果不同,我想知道为什么会这样? I know that the difference is very small, so is this acceptable?我知道差异很小,所以这可以接受吗?

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import torch


batch, sentence_length, embedding_dim = 20, 5, 10
value = np.random.random((batch, sentence_length, embedding_dim)).astype("f")
value = value * 10

tf_x = tf.constant(value, dtype=tf.float32)
tf_out = tf.math.tanh(tf_x)

pt_x = torch.from_numpy(value)
pt_out = torch.tanh(pt_x)

print((tf_out.numpy() == pt_out.numpy()).all()) # return False
print(((tf_out.numpy() - pt_out.numpy()) < 1e-6).all()) # return True
  • tensorflow == 2.5.0 tensorflow == 2.5.0
  • torch == 1.9.0手电筒 == 1.9.0

Running your code with the following line at the end:最后使用以下行运行代码:

print(np.allclose(tf_out.numpy(), pt_out.numpy()))  # Returns True

You will receive True .您将收到True I do not know exactly how tensorflow and pytorch compute the tanh oppeartion, but when working with floating points, you rarely are exactely equal.我不知道 tensorflow 和 pytorch 是如何计算 tanh oppeartion 的,但是在处理浮点数时,你很少会完全相等。 However, you should be receiving equal results up to a certain tolerance, which is exactly what np.allclose() checks.但是,您应该在一定公差范围内收到相同的结果,这正是np.allclose()检查的内容。 Read more onallclose here 在这里阅读更多关于allclose

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