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Swift 金属,边角不规则形状

[英]Swift metal, corner irregular shape

I am developing an application in which non-standard shapes need to be rounded我正在开发一个应用程序,其中非标准形状需要圆角

what I mean我的意思是

non-standard rect非标准矩形


for rounding i do this ( Metal shader )四舍五入我这样做(金属着色器)

constant float2 c00s = float2(0.0, 0.0); 
constant float2 c01s = float2(0.0, 1.0);
constant float2 c11s = float2(1.0, 1.0);
constant float2 c10s = float2(1.0, 0.0);

// Check if a point is within a given corner
bool in_cornerS(float2 p, float2 corner, float2 radius) {
  // determine the direction we want to be filled
  float2 axis = (c11s - corner) - corner;

  // warp the point so we are always testing the bottom left point with the
  // circle centered on the origin
  p = p - (corner + axis * radius);
  p *= axis / radius;
  return (p.x > 0.0 && p.y > -1.0) || (p.y > 0.0 && p.x > -1.0) || dot(p, p) < 1.0;

bool test_rounded_maskS(float2 p, float2 corner_size00, float2 corner_size01, float2 corner_size11, float2 corner_size10) {
      in_cornerS(p, c00s, corner_size00) &&
      in_cornerS(p, c01s, corner_size01) &&
      in_cornerS(p, c10s, corner_size11) &&
      in_cornerS(p, c11s, corner_size10);

fragment float4 fragmentStencil(VertexIn vert [[stage_in]],
                                  device const float2 *dimensions00 [[ buffer(0) ]],
                                  device const float2 *dimensions01 [[ buffer(1) ]],
                                  device const float2 *dimensions11 [[ buffer(2) ]],
                                  device const float2 *dimensions10 [[ buffer(3) ]]) {
    float2 a_uv = vert.texCoord;
    float2 u_dimensions00 = *dimensions00;
    float2 u_dimensions01 = *dimensions01;
    float2 u_dimensions11 = *dimensions11;
    float2 u_dimensions10 = *dimensions10;
    if (!test_rounded_maskS(a_uv, u_dimensions00, u_dimensions01, u_dimensions11, u_dimensions10)) {
    return float4(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0);

i get this result我得到这个结果


but I want this但我想要这个


how I can achieve this?我怎样才能做到这一点?

Step 1: Follow install instructions for the Metal port of NanoVG .第 1 步:按照NanoVG金属端口的安装说明进行操作。

Step 2: Prosper.第 2 步:繁荣。 You can now render vector shapes and paths.您现在可以渲染矢量形状和路径。 This will fill a path:这将填充路径:

- (void)renderFillWithPaint:(NVGpaint*)paint
                 bounds:(const float*)bounds
                  paths:(const NVGpath*)paths

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