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[英]How to Create external table in snowflake based on S3 partitioned data

I have an s3 URL as s3://Sales//region.我有一个 s3 URL 作为 s3://Sales//region。

I have date buckets inside the region folder as:我在区域文件夹中有日期桶:

refdate=2022-02-26, refdate=2022-02-25 and refdate=2022-02-24参考日期=2022-02-26、参考日期=2022-02-25 和参考日期=2022-02-24

How would I create an external table in snowflake with partition as ref date folder?我如何在雪花中创建一个外部表并将分区作为参考日期文件夹? what have I tried so far:到目前为止我尝试了什么:

Create external table sales (..)
with location = @sales_stage/region/
file_format = COMP_ap
auto_refresh = true ;



create stage s2

create external table et1(
 date_part date as to_date(split_part(metadata$filename, '-', 3)
   || '/' || split_part(metadata$filename, '-', 4)
   || '/' || split_part(metadata$filename, '-', 5), 'YYYY/MM/DD'),
 timestamp bigint as (value:timestamp::bigint),
 partition by (date_part)
 auto_refresh = true
 aws_sns_topic = 'arn:aws:sns:us-west38:snowflake-dev-SNS';

check the snowflake documentation here此处查看雪花文档

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