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DotNetZip 不会读取存储在 azure blob 存储中的 zip 中的所有条目

[英]DotNetZip doesn't read all entries from zip stored at azure blob storage

I have a zip stored in azure blob storage which I'm streaming it locally and iterating its entries.我有一个 zip 存储在 azure blob 存储中,我在本地流式传输它并迭代它的条目。

I'm getting the stream like that:我得到这样的 stream:

BlobClient blob = _blobServiceClientProp.GetBlobContainerClient(blobExtractionSource.ContainerName)
Stream zipStream = await blob.OpenReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

The stream length is valid (8890655642 bytes). stream 长度有效(8890655642 字节)。

Using DotNetZip 1.16, I'm reading from the zip stream:使用 DotNetZip 1.16,我正在读取 zip stream:

ZipFile zipFile = ZipFile.Read(zipStream);

The problem is that I'm getting wrong number of entries.问题是我输入的条目数有误。 According to DotNetZip, I have 41082 entries in the zip which is wrong.根据 DotNetZip,我在 zip 中有 41082 个条目,这是错误的。 I checked the number of entries both by the Entries property (zipFile.Entries) and also by iterating and count them manually.我通过 Entries 属性 (zipFile.Entries) 以及手动迭代和计数来检查条目数。

If I switch to IO.Compression.ZipArchive and iterating the zip entries, IO.Compression.ZipArchive is telling me I have 85,413 entries in the zip, which is the right number of entries.如果我切换到IO.Compression.ZipArchive并迭代 zip 条目, IO.Compression.ZipArchive告诉我 zip 中有 85,413 个条目,这是正确的条目数。

Any suggestions how can I still work with DotNetZip and make it get the right number of entries?有什么建议我仍然可以使用 DotNetZip 并使其获得正确数量的条目吗?

Note that when reading from the same zip locally (after I manually download it) with same version of DotNetZip, I successfully get all the entries.请注意,当使用相同版本的 DotNetZip 在本地读取相同的 zip(在我手动下载后)时,我成功获取了所有条目。

Through ZipArchive we could able to pull off the exact number.通过 ZipArchive,我们可以得出准确的数字。 Below is the code that worked for us.下面是对我们有用的代码。

var stream = await blobClient.OpenReadAsync();
using ZipArchive zip = new ZipArchive(stream, ZipArchiveMode.Read);


The Code that worked for us using DotNetZip使用 DotNetZip 为我们工作的代码

BlobClient blob = blobServiceClient.GetBlobContainerClient("container-1")
Stream zipStream = await blob.OpenReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
ZipFile zipFile = ZipFile.Read(zipStream);

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