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如何将域从 example.com 更改为 example.com/homepage/

[英]How to change the domain from example.com to example.com/homepage/

I have purchased a domain name from Namecheap and it is as follows: example.com, and I use each of the following services: 1 - My hosting is from Digital Ocean.我从 Namecheap 购买了一个域名,如下所示:example.com,我使用以下各项服务: 1 - 我的主机来自 Digital Ocean。 2 - I use Cloudflare as a CDN. 2 - 我使用 Cloudflare 作为 CDN。 Now where and how do I modify the domain to be as follows:example.com/homepage/ in the previous services.thankyou现在在哪里以及如何修改域如下:example.com/homepage/ 之前的services.thankyou

This is your domain: example.com .这是您的域: example.com This is just a path on your web server: /homepage/ .这只是您 web 服务器上的一个路径: /homepage/ The /homepage/ path is totally handled by the webserver. /homepage/路径完全由网络服务器处理。 Your domain name service (DNS) does not handle that path at all.您的域名服务 (DNS) 根本不处理该路径。

You would need to configure your webserver on Digital Ocean to actually have a web page hosted at the /homepage/ path.您需要在 Digital Ocean 上配置您的网络服务器,以便在/homepage/路径中实际托管一个 web 页面。 Then you could configure your web server to redirect all requests to the root path / to /homepage/ .然后你可以配置你的 web 服务器将所有请求重定向到根路径//homepage/

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