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MATLAB 到 PYTHON 转换 [ValueError: 操作数无法与形状 (120,) (6,) 一起广播]

[英]MATLAB TO PYTHON conversion [ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (120,) (6,) ]

So this is my python code所以这是我的 python 代码

import numpy as np
n = 3                          
T = 100                                            
ts = .2*(100/(2*n-3))                              
tv = .6*((100-((2*n-3)*ts))/(2*(n-1)))             
m1 =   np.arange(0,tv,0.1); 
x1 = 0.5*(1-(np.cos(np.pi*(m1/tv)))) 
xa = x1;

#%travelling from right to left

xd = np.flip(xa)
xw = []
for i in range(1,n-1):
    if i==1:
        xd = xd-1
    #%standing at one point
    for f in np.arange(1,ts):
        mini = np.amin(xd)
        if i==1:
            xm = np.array([xm,xd,xw])

xm = abs(np.amin(xm)) + xm

When I run it there comes up a big pile of error block.当我运行它时,会出现一大堆错误块。 I know that arrays must have the same rank to perform mathematical operations but I don't know how to do that here.我知道 arrays 必须具有相同的等级才能执行数学运算,但我不知道如何在此处执行此操作。

This is error block that comes up when I run the code这是我运行代码时出现的错误块

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-7-64722470b31e> in <module>
     32             xm = np.array([xm,xd,xw])
---> 34 xm = abs(np.amin(xm)) + xm

<__array_function__ internals> in amin(*args, **kwargs)

~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\numpy\core\fromnumeric.py in amin(a, axis, out, keepdims, initial, where)
   2856     6
   2857     """
-> 2858     return _wrapreduction(a, np.minimum, 'min', axis, None, out,
   2859                           keepdims=keepdims, initial=initial, where=where)

~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\numpy\core\fromnumeric.py in _wrapreduction(obj, ufunc, method, axis, dtype, out, **kwargs)
     85                 return reduction(axis=axis, out=out, **passkwargs)
---> 87     return ufunc.reduce(obj, axis, dtype, out, **passkwargs)

ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (120,) (6,)

Heres the Matlab code这是 Matlab 代码

xd = flip(xa);

for i= 1:n-1
    if i==1
        xd = xd-1;
    end%standing at one point
    for f = 1:ts
        xw(f) = min(xd);
    if i==1
        xm = [xm,xd,xw];
xm = abs(min(xm))+xm;

And this is the output I get from running the MATLAB code which is also the output I'm expecting from my python code.这是我从运行 MATLAB 代码得到的 output,这也是我期望从我的 python 代码得到的 output。

  Columns 1 through 13

    2.0000    1.9998    1.9993    1.9985    1.9973    1.9957    1.9938    1.9916    1.9891    1.9862    1.9830    1.9794    1.9755

  Columns 14 through 26

    1.9713    1.9668    1.9619    1.9568    1.9513    1.9455    1.9394    1.9330    1.9263    1.9193    1.9121    1.9045    1.8967

  Columns 27 through 39

    1.8886    1.8802    1.8716    1.8627    1.8536    1.8442    1.8346    1.8247    1.8147    1.8044    1.7939    1.7832    1.7723

  Columns 40 through 52

    1.7612    1.7500    1.7386    1.7270    1.7153    1.7034    1.6913    1.6792    1.6669    1.6545    1.6420    1.6294    1.6167

  Columns 53 through 65

    1.6040    1.5911    1.5782    1.5653    1.5523    1.5392    1.5262    1.5131    1.5000    1.4869    1.4738    1.4608    1.4477

  Columns 66 through 78

    1.4347    1.4218    1.4089    1.3960    1.3833    1.3706    1.3580    1.3455    1.3331    1.3208    1.3087    1.2966    1.2847

  Columns 79 through 91

    1.2730    1.2614    1.2500    1.2388    1.2277    1.2168    1.2061    1.1956    1.1853    1.1753    1.1654    1.1558    1.1464

  Columns 92 through 104

    1.1373    1.1284    1.1198    1.1114    1.1033    1.0955    1.0879    1.0807    1.0737    1.0670    1.0606    1.0545    1.0487

  Columns 105 through 117

    1.0432    1.0381    1.0332    1.0287    1.0245    1.0206    1.0170    1.0138    1.0109    1.0084    1.0062    1.0043    1.0027

  Columns 118 through 130

    1.0015    1.0007    1.0002    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000    0.9998    0.9993

  Columns 131 through 143

    0.9985    0.9973    0.9957    0.9938    0.9916    0.9891    0.9862    0.9830    0.9794    0.9755    0.9713    0.9668    0.9619

  Columns 144 through 156

    0.9568    0.9513    0.9455    0.9394    0.9330    0.9263    0.9193    0.9121    0.9045    0.8967    0.8886    0.8802    0.8716

  Columns 157 through 169

    0.8627    0.8536    0.8442    0.8346    0.8247    0.8147    0.8044    0.7939    0.7832    0.7723    0.7612    0.7500    0.7386

  Columns 170 through 182

    0.7270    0.7153    0.7034    0.6913    0.6792    0.6669    0.6545    0.6420    0.6294    0.6167    0.6040    0.5911    0.5782

  Columns 183 through 195

    0.5653    0.5523    0.5392    0.5262    0.5131    0.5000    0.4869    0.4738    0.4608    0.4477    0.4347    0.4218    0.4089

  Columns 196 through 208

    0.3960    0.3833    0.3706    0.3580    0.3455    0.3331    0.3208    0.3087    0.2966    0.2847    0.2730    0.2614    0.2500

  Columns 209 through 221

    0.2388    0.2277    0.2168    0.2061    0.1956    0.1853    0.1753    0.1654    0.1558    0.1464    0.1373    0.1284    0.1198

  Columns 222 through 234

    0.1114    0.1033    0.0955    0.0879    0.0807    0.0737    0.0670    0.0606    0.0545    0.0487    0.0432    0.0381    0.0332

  Columns 235 through 247

    0.0287    0.0245    0.0206    0.0170    0.0138    0.0109    0.0084    0.0062    0.0043    0.0027    0.0015    0.0007    0.0002

  Columns 248 through 254

         0         0         0         0         0         0         0


When you ran this code, did you git the ragged array warning?当你运行这段代码时,你有没有 git 参差不齐的ragged array警告? If so, why did you ignore it?如果是这样,你为什么忽略它? Or are you running such old numpy that it didn't give the warning?还是您正在运行这么旧的numpy以致于它没有发出警告?

<ipython-input-1-7dab9a6384c7>:24: VisibleDeprecationWarning: Creating an ndarray from ragged nested sequences (which is a list-or-tuple of lists-or-tuples-or ndarrays with different lengths or shapes) is deprecated. If you meant to do this, you must specify 'dtype=object' when creating the ndarray.
In [2]: xm
array([array([9.99828662e-01, 9.99314767e-01, 9.98458667e-01, 9.97260948e-01,
              9.95722431e-01, 9.93844170e-01, 9.91627454e-01, 9.89073800e-01,
              1.54133313e-03, 6.85232623e-04, 1.71337512e-04, 0.00000000e+00]),
       list([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])], dtype=object)

In [3]: xm.shape
Out[3]: (2,)
In [4]: xm.dtype
Out[4]: dtype('O')
In [5]: xm[0].shape
Out[5]: (120,)
In [7]: len(xm[1])
Out[7]: 6

xm is object dtype containing one array and one list. xm是 object dtype,包含一个数组和一个列表。 Their lengths match the ones stated in the error: shapes (120,) (6,)它们的长度与错误中所述的长度相匹配: shapes (120,) (6,)

You can't do np.min on such an array.您不能在这样的数组上执行np.min

I won't try to sort out the logic of your xm constructor, but I see that you use xw as list and list append, but xm as array and np.array([...]) to make new values in the loop.我不会尝试理清你的xm构造函数的逻辑,但我看到你使用xw作为列表和列表 append,但xm作为数组和np.array([...])在循环中生成新值. Repeated np.array in a loop is not a good idea;在循环中重复np.array不是一个好主意; it is slow and prone to errors.它很慢并且容易出错。 The same applies to use np.concatenate (or one its derivatives) in a loop.这同样适用于在循环中使用np.concatenate (或其衍生物之一)。 If you are going to work iteratively, stick with lists, and make the arrays, if needed, with one call at the end.如果您要反复工作,请坚持使用列表,并在需要时拨打 arrays,最后打一个电话。

Back when I worked with MATLAB, around version 3.9, we tried to avoid loops because they were slow.当我使用 MATLAB 时,大约是 3.9 版,我们试图避免循环,因为它们很慢。 Since then MATLAB has add jit compilation so there isn't much of a time penalty.从那时起 MATLAB 添加jit编译,因此没有太多时间损失。 In numpy it is still best to avoid loops, or to use numba to compile them. numpy还是最好避免循环,或者用numba来编译。

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