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dplyr 到 data.table 以加快执行时间

[英]dplyr to data.table for speed up execution time

I am currently dealing with a moderately large dataframe called d.mkt ( > 2M rows and 12 columns).我目前正在处理一个中等大小的 dataframe,称为d.mkt> 2M行和12列)。 As dplyr is too slow when applying summarise() function combined with group_by_at , I am trying to write an equivalent statement using data.table to speed up the summarise computation part of dplyr .由于dplyr在应用summarise() function 与group_by_at结合时太慢,我试图使用data.table编写一个等效语句来加速dplyrsummarise计算部分。 However, the situation is quite special in the case that the original dataframe is group_by_at and then summarising over the same set of columns (eg X %>% select(-id) %>% group_by_at(vars(-x,-y,-z,-t) %>% summarise(x = sum(x), y = sum(y), z = sum(z), y = sum(t)) %>% ungroup() ).然而,在原始 dataframe 是group_by_at然后对同一组列进行summarising (例如X %>% select(-id) %>% group_by_at(vars(-x,-y,-z,-t) %>% summarise(x = sum(x), y = sum(y), z = sum(z), y = sum(t)) %>% ungroup() )。

With that in mind, below is my current attempt, which kept failing to work because of this error: keyby or by has length (1,1,1,1).考虑到这一点,下面是我目前的尝试,由于这个错误而一直失败: keyby or by has length (1,1,1,1). Could someone please help let me know how to fix this error?有人可以帮我知道如何解决这个错误吗?

dplyr's code dplyr的代码

    d.mkt <- d.mkt %>%
  left_join(codes, by = c('rte_cd', 'cd')) %>%
  mutate(is_valid = replace_na(is_valid, FALSE),
         rte_cd = ifelse(is_valid, rte_cd, 'RC'),
         rte_dsc = ifelse(is_valid, rte_dsc, 'SKIPPED')) %>%
  select(-is_valid) %>%
  group_by_at(vars(-c_rv, -g_rv, -h_rv, -rn)) %>%
  summarise(c_rv = sum(as.numeric(c_rv)), g_rv = sum(as.numeric(g_rv)), h_rv = sum(as.numeric(h_rv)), rn = sum(as.numeric(rn))) %>%

My attempt for translating the above我尝试翻译以上内容

  d.mkt <- as.data.table(d.mkt)
  d.mkt <- d.mkt[codes, on = c('rte_cd', 'sb_cd'),
                        `:=` (is.valid = replace_na(is_valid, FALSE), rte_cd = ifelse(is_valid, rte_cd, 'RC00'), 
                              rte_ds = ifelse(is_valid, rte_ds, 'SKIPPED'))]
  d.mkt <- d.mkt[, -"is.valid", with=FALSE]
  d.mkt <- d.mkt[, .(c_rv=sum(c_rv), g_rv=sum(g_rv), h_rv = sum(h_rv), rn = sum(rn)), by = .('prop', 'date')] --- Error here already, but how do we ungroup a `data.table` though?

Close.关闭。 Some suggestions/answers.一些建议/答案。

  1. If you're shifting to data.table for speed, I suggest use if fifelse in lieu of replace_na and ifelse , minor.如果你为了速度而转向data.table ,我建议使用 if fifelse代替replace_naifelse ,次要的。
  2. The canonical way to remove is_valid is d.mkt[, is.valid:= NULL] .删除is_valid的规范方法是d.mkt[, is.valid:= NULL]
  3. Grouping cab be done with a setdiff .使用setdiff可以完成分组。 In data.table , there is no need to "ungroup", each [ -call uses its own grouping.data.table中,不需要“取消分组”,每个[ -调用都使用自己的分组。 (For the reason, if you have multiple chained [ -operations that use the same grouping, it can be useful to store that group as a variable, perhaps index it, and/or combine all the [ -chain into a single call. This is prone to lots of benchmarking discussion outside the scope of what we have here.) (出于这个原因,如果您有多个链式[ -操作使用相同的分组,那么将该组存储为变量可能很有用,可能对其进行索引,和/或将所有[ -链组合到一个调用中。这很容易在我们这里的 scope 之外进行很多基准讨论。)
  4. Since all of your summary stats are the same, we can lapply(.SD, ..) this for a little readability improvement.由于您所有的摘要统计数据都是相同的,我们可以lapply(.SD, ..)这一点来提高可读性。

This might work:这可能有效:

setDT(codes) # or using `as.data.table(codes)` below instead
setDT(d.mkt) # ditto
tmp <- codes[d.mkt, on = .(rte_cd, cd) ] %>%
  .[, c("is_valid", "rte_cd", "rte_dsc") :=
        .(fcoalesce(is_valid, FALSE),
          fifelse(is.na(is_valid), rte_cd, "RC"),
          fifelse(is.an(is_valid), rte_dsc, "SKIPPED")) ]
tmp[, is_valid := NULL ]
cols <- c("c_rv", "g_rv", "h_rv", "rn")
tmp[, lapply(.SD, function(z) sum(as.numeric(z))),
    by = setdiff(names(tmp), cols), .SDcols = cols ]

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