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如何使用 UWP Microsoft Store Services 将 package 从航班推送到提交 API

[英]How to push a package from a flight to a submission using UWP Microsoft Store Services API

We are building a UWP application.我们正在构建一个 UWP 应用程序。 We already have the first version of the CI/CD pipeline.我们已经有了第一个版本的 CI/CD 管道。 The pipeline does the following管道执行以下操作

  1. Builds the *.msixupload bundle构建*.msixupload
  2. Pushes it to the package flight called "Staging" for internal testing推送到名为“Staging”的package航班进行内测

The thing it doesn't currently do is automate the release of the app.它目前没有做的事情是自动发布应用程序。 Every time our QAs are done testing and we want to push the app from Staging to the production environment we do the following每次我们的 QA 完成测试并且我们希望将应用程序从暂存环境推送到生产环境时,我们都会执行以下操作

  1. We open the UWP partner center我们开通UWP合作伙伴中心
  2. Select the production submission and click update Select 制作提交点击更新
  3. We update the necessary release notes and screenshots if needed如果需要,我们会更新必要的发行说明和屏幕截图
  4. For the package, we select a package that we had inside the "Staging" flight.对于 package,我们 select package 在“Staging”航班中。 We actually do not upload a new package, which I think makes sense - you want to release the build that was already tested and you do not actually want to rebuild the app for production with a different version我们实际上并没有上传新的 package,我认为这是有道理的——你想发布已经测试过的构建,你实际上不想用不同的版本重建应用程序以用于生产

The problem is that I can't find a way to automate the 4th step.问题是我找不到使第 4 步自动化的方法。 In this example you can see a flow for creating a new submission. 在此示例中,您可以看到创建新提交的流程。 However, it actually involves re-uploading an *.msixupload bundle.但是,它实际上涉及重新上传*.msixupload包。 I can't find a sample that would mimic what we are doing - instead of uploading a new bundle we select an existing bundle from a package flight.我找不到可以模仿我们正在做的事情的示例 - 我们 select 不是上传新的捆绑包,而是来自 package 航班的现有捆绑包。

Is there a way to create a new submission using a previously published package from another flight without having to upload a new bundle through the API?有没有一种方法可以使用之前从另一个航班发布的 package 创建新的提交,而无需通过 API 上传新的捆绑包?


You can't re-upload the same bundle with the same version to the new submission that was previously used inside the package flight.您不能将具有相同版本的相同包重新上传到之前在 package 航班中使用的新提交。 It will result in a conflict error.这将导致冲突错误。 So, you will have to rebuild a new package, which is not acceptable.因此,您将不得不重建一个新的 package,这是不可接受的。

Is there a way to create a new submission using a previously published package from another flight without having to upload a new bundle through the API?有没有一种方法可以使用之前从另一个航班发布的 package 创建新的提交,而无需通过 API 上传新的捆绑包?

I have to say that there is no way the get the bundle you uploaded from the package flight back once you've uploaded it.我不得不说,一旦您上传了从 package 航班上传的捆绑包,就无法取回它。 I understand your requirement but currently, there is no such API that could do it even in the partner center dashboard website.我了解您的要求,但目前,即使在合作伙伴中心仪表板网站上也没有这样的 API 可以做到这一点。 You still need to upload a new bundle for submission.您仍然需要上传一个新的包以供提交。

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