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有没有办法在 WPF 应用程序(DesktopBridge)中使用 Microsoft Store API 进行 inApp 购买?

[英]Is there any way to use Microsoft Store API in WPF Application (DesktopBridge) for inApp purchases?

While trying to bring WPF Apps in Windows Store using Desktop Bridge.在尝试使用 Desktop Bridge 将 WPF 应用程序引入 Windows Store 时。

Is there any way to use Microsoft Store API in WPF Application (Desktop Bridge) for inApp purchases?有没有办法在 WPF 应用程序(桌面桥)中使用 Microsoft Store API 进行 inApp 购买?


You could use StoreContext Class in desktop applications via desktop bridge.您可以通过桌面桥在桌面应用程序中使用StoreContext Class What you need is to configure the StoreContext object to specify which application window is the owner window for modal dialogs that are shown by the object.您需要配置 StoreContext object 以指定哪个应用程序 window 是 window object 显示的模态对话框的所有者。

You could refer to this document fore more detailed steps: Using the StoreContext class with the Desktop Bridge您可以参考此文档了解更多详细步骤: Using the StoreContext class with the Desktop Bridge

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