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使用二进制补码将文件名(例如 file01010101)从十进制转换为二进制,而不使用 bash 中的内置二进制函数

[英]convert a filename eg file01010101 from decimal to binary using two's complement, without using built in binary function in bash

This is the binary evaluation and conversion part of the shell script.这是 shell 脚本的二进制评估和转换部分。

elif [[ $file == file[0-1][0-1][0-1][0-1][0-1][0-1][0-1][0-1] ]]
    first=`echo $file | cut -c 5`
    second=`echo $file | cut -c 6`
    third=`echo $file | cut -c 7`
    fourth=`echo $file | cut -c 8`
    fifth=`echo $file | cut -c 9`
    sixth=`echo $file | cut -c 10`
    seventh=`echo $file | cut -c 11`
    eighth=`echo $file | cut -c 12`
    newname=file`expr $first \* 128 + $second \* 64 + $third \* 32 + $fourth \* 16 + $fifth \* 8 + $sixth \* 4 + $seventh \* 2 + $eighth \* 1` #this is converting the binary into decimal one bit at a time starting from the leftmost number
    while [ ! -d CATEGORY1 ]
            mkdir CATEGORY1 
    mv $1/$file CATEGORY1/$newname
    echo "renamed - $file (now named  $newname) so it has been moved to the CATEGORY1 directory."

This is what I've got, but it doesn't incorporate two's complement and I can't use built-in binary features of bash.这就是我所拥有的,但它不包含二进制补码,我不能使用 bash 的内置二进制特性。

I can't use built-in binary features of bash我不能使用 bash 的内置二进制功能

I'm not sure what it means, arithmetic expressions?我不确定它是什么意思,算术表达式?

First, to simplify a little, I would use a bash regex for capturing the binary number:首先,为了简化一点,我将使用 bash 正则表达式来捕获二进制数:

if [[ $file =~ ^file([01]{8})$ ]]

then you just have to convert it in whatever way you prefer: then你只需要以你喜欢的任何方式转换它:

newname=file$((2#${BASH_REMATCH[1]})) # bash builtin conversion
# or
newname=file$(echo "ibase=2;${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" | bc) # POSIX conversion


For the two's complement you could do:对于二进制补码,您可以执行以下操作:

if [[ ${BASH_REMATCH[1]} == 1* ]]
    echo "ibase=2; - ( $(tr 10 01 <<< "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}") + 1)"
    echo "ibase=2; ${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
fi | bc

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