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Cairo PDF 在创建时未转换 unicode

[英]Cairo PDF not converting unicode while creating

I am converting SVG to PDF using Cairo PDF library of Python.我正在使用 Python 的 Cairo PDF 库将 SVG 转换为 PDF。 It is working well for ASCII characters, but for Unicode chars it is displaying a square box.它适用于 ASCII 字符,但对于 Unicode 字符,它显示一个方框。 Is there any solution to deal with this problem?有没有办法解决这个问题?


I got a solution for this.我有一个解决方案。 I included a font called GNU Unifont in SVG as following:我在 SVG 中包含了一个名为GNU Unifont的字体,如下所示:

      font-family: Unifont 

Which seems to have all the required glyphs for Unicode chars that I need.这似乎具有我需要的 Unicode 字符的所有必需字形。

Kudos to GNU Unifont!向 GNU Unifont 致敬! from hint "add font-family" by @RobertLongson来自@RobertLongson 的提示“添加字体系列”

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