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如何让工作人员在 twilio 工作室流程中轻松关闭或打开连接呼叫小部件?

[英]How to allow staff to easily turn off or on connect to call widget in twilio studio flow?

Our call system is built through a Studio Flow in Twilio. Within that flow we have a connect to call widget that relays the incoming call to staff members' personal cell phones.我们的呼叫系统是通过 Twilio 中的 Studio Flow 构建的。在该流程中,我们有一个连接呼叫小部件,可将来电中继到工作人员的个人手机。 Presently it is two staff members including my own personal cell.目前是两名工作人员,包括我自己的私人牢房。

In the interest of setting good boundaries for my staff, I would like to find a way to have staff easily turn off or on their number to the connect to call widget on their phone.为了为我的员工设置良好的界限,我想找到一种方法让员工轻松关闭或打开他们的电话号码以连接到他们手机上的呼叫小部件。

It seems after some crude testing that simply blocking the number on our personal cell phones disables the entire flow and we lose the incoming call.似乎经过一些粗略的测试,简单地阻止我们个人手机上的号码会禁用整个流程,并且我们会丢失来电。 Nor am I comfortable with staff being able to login to the Twilio console and change the connect to call widget themselves without breaking something.我也不满意员工能够登录到 Twilio 控制台并更改连接以自行调用小部件而不破坏任何东西。

I know how to change the studio flow assigned to a phone number programmatically using API. Controlling it this way would be unworkable... because there are so many different real world combinations of various staff members having call forwarding turned off or on making the number of studio flows for each possible combination nearly infinite for even a smaller staff of 6 to 8 people.我知道如何使用 API 以编程方式更改分配给电话号码的工作室流程。以这种方式控制它是行不通的……因为现实世界中有许多不同的工作人员组合,他们关闭了呼叫转移或拨打了电话号码即使是 6 到 8 人的较小员工,每种可能组合的工作室流量也几乎是无限的。

I am also open to other solutions that deny call forwarding based off of day of week (Sunday for example) and time of day.我也对其他拒绝基于星期几(例如星期日)和一天中的时间的呼叫转移的解决方案持开放态度。

How do we create the functionality for staff members to easily turn off or on their personal cell number in the connect to call widget?我们如何为工作人员创建功能,以便在连接呼叫小部件中轻松关闭或打开他们的个人手机号码?

I think the solution you need here is an interface that your staff can access to enable or disable their number.我认为您在这里需要的解决方案是一个界面,您的员工可以访问该界面以启用或禁用他们的号码。 And then a way for your Studio Flow to determine currently active numbers and only direct calls to them.然后是让您的 Studio Flow 确定当前活动号码并仅直接呼叫这些号码的方法。

The simplest thing that comes to mind would be a Google Sheet that your staff do have access to and can update their current status.想到的最简单的事情就是您的员工可以访问并可以更新其当前状态的 Google 表格。 Then, in your Studio Flow you can call off to a Twilio Function that looks up the sheet and returns the currently active numbers.然后,在您的 Studio Flow 中,您可以拨打 Twilio Function 查找工作表并返回当前活动号码。 Then you would only use numbers from that list for forwarding the calls.然后您将只使用该列表中的号码来转接电话。

I've not really gone into detail about how to build this as there wasn't a lot of detail in your question about what you might want to use to achieve this.我并没有真正详细介绍如何构建它,因为您的问题中没有太多关于您可能想要使用什么来实现这一点的细节。 If you do have further details, like what your current Studio Flow looks like or what you are comfortable developing with, I could go into more detail.如果您确实有更多详细信息,例如您当前的 Studio Flow 是什么样子或您习惯于使用什么进行开发,我可以通过 go 了解更多详细信息。

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