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[英]Is there a way to assign a dynamic resource to a dependency property in code

I have a SolidColorBrush defined in a Resource Dictionary as follows:我在资源字典中定义了一个 SolidColorBrush,如下所示:

 <Color x:Key="ColorGray100">#F5F6F7</Color>

 <SolidColorBrush x:Key="BrushGray100" Color="{DynamicResource ColorGray100}" />

I have a Dependency Property defined in the code behind for a user control as follows:我在后面的代码中为用户控件定义了一个依赖属性,如下所示:

    /// <summary>
    /// get/set the brush for the pattern ring.
    /// The pattern ring is a full circle which the progress ring is drawn over.
    /// This Brush value is defaulted to Brushes.LightGray
    /// </summary>
    public Brush PatternRingBrush
        get => (Brush)GetValue(PatternRingBrushProperty);
        set => SetValue(PatternRingBrushProperty, value);

    public static readonly DependencyProperty PatternRingBrushProperty =
        DependencyProperty.Register("PatternRingBrush", typeof(Brush), typeof(UXProgressRing),
            new UIPropertyMetadata(Brushes.LightGray));

How can I assign the "BrushGray100" SolidColorBrush as the default UIPropertyMetadata value instead of Brushes.LightGray?如何将“BrushGray100”SolidColorBrush 指定为默认 UIPropertyMetadata 值而不是 Brushes.LightGray?

It is not possible to assign a dynamic resource to dependency property's default value.无法将动态资源分配给依赖属性的默认值。 (Nor would it make sense because the default value is evaluated once, whereas a dynamic resource can by definition change) (这也没有意义,因为默认值被评估一次,而动态资源可以根据定义更改)

However, if your goal is to assign the actual dependency property value to a dynamic resource, effectively binding the property to the dynamic resource, there already exist answers on this site that describe how to do that.但是,如果您的目标是将实际的依赖属性值分配给动态资源,将属性有效地绑定到动态资源,则此站点上已经存在描述如何执行此操作的答案。 This appears to be the best existing solution.似乎是现有的最佳解决方案。

I'm posting this as an answer instead of marking as duplicate because your question specifically asks about setting the default value.我将其发布为答案而不是标记为重复,因为您的问题专门询问设置默认值。

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