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Python csv 文件 - 打开一个 csv 文件并从 2 列中获取所有信息,获取唯一值,然后删除一些回复(没有 Pandas)

[英]Python csv file - Open a csv file and take all info from 2 columns, get unique values and then remove some replies(without Pandas)

I have created a csv file with 5 columns我创建了一个包含 5 列的 csv 文件

Machines | VM | Status | Node | Resolve

I want to take all values under Node and Resolve, find the unique values and then remove certain responses(There are some "none" and "record" there which I don't need).我想获取节点和解析下的所有值,找到唯一值,然后删除某些响应(那里有一些我不需要的“无”和“记录”)。

What is the best way to do this?做这个的最好方式是什么?

I was trying to take 1 column at a time and then putting it in sets which did work but is there a quicker way?我试图一次取 1 列,然后将其放入确实有效的集合中,但有更快的方法吗? From the set I was then trying to take away the values I didn't need but realised I was ending up with some values have \n at the end.然后我试图从集合中拿走我不需要的值,但意识到我最终得到的一些值最后有 \n 。

Usually I use Pandas which I love to us but I am unable to use this on the machine I am working on at the moment.通常我使用我喜欢的 Pandas,但我目前无法在我正在使用的机器上使用它。


with open("machines.csv", "r") as file:
    mach = file.readlines()
     for c in mach:
        split_lines = c.split(",")[3]

with open("machines.csv", "r") as file2:
    mach2 = file2.readlines()

    for c in mach2:
        split_lines2 = c.split(",")[4]

uniqueunique = (set(unique4 + unique3))

Any help greatly appreciated, I know this is probably straight forward but I struggle with lists and strings非常感谢任何帮助,我知道这可能是直截了当的,但我在列表和字符串方面遇到了困难

Something like this:像这样的东西:

import csv

with open("machines.csv", "r") as f:
    rdr = csv.reader(f)
    next(rdr) # skip header if any, otherwise - remove this line
    *_, node, resolve = zip(*rdr)
    unique = set(node).union(set(resolve))

Then you can remove unwanted values然后您可以删除不需要的值

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