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使用 MediaCodec 和 MediaMuxer 编写带有静音间隙的 PCM 编码声音

[英]Write a PCM encoded sounds with silence gaps using MediaCodec and MediaMuxer

I'm trying to make a simple "click track"-to-file renderer on Android.我正在尝试在 Android 上制作一个简单的“点击跟踪”文件渲染器。 I have a PCM encoded data for a sound and some finite gap sequence as an input (represented as ClickTrack class).我有一个声音的 PCM 编码数据和一些有限间隙序列作为输入(表示为ClickTrack类)。 I want a playable .m4a file as an output with that sound repeating over the gaps rendered properly.我想要一个可播放的.m4a文件作为输出,该声音在正确渲染的间隙上重复。

The problem is that I'm getting a file in semi-corrupted state - it plays all repetitions of the sound in the beginning as fast as it can and then the silence for the duration of the track.问题是我得到了一个处于半损坏状态的文件——它在开始时尽可能快地播放所有重复的声音,然后在曲目的整个过程中保持沉默。 The duration of the track happens to be correct, so it seems that presentation times are correct.曲目的持续时间恰好是正确的,因此演示时间似乎是正确的。

Now the code:现在代码:

fun render(clickTrack: ClickTrack, onProgress: (Float) -> Unit, onFinished: () -> Unit): File? {
    var muxer: MediaMuxer? = null
    var codec: MediaCodec? = null

    try {
        val audioFormat = MediaFormat.createAudioFormat(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AAC, 44100, 2)
            .apply {
                setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_BIT_RATE, 96 * 1024)

        val outputFile = File.createTempFile("click_track_export", ".m4a", context.cacheDir)

        muxer = MediaMuxer(outputFile.path, MediaMuxer.OutputFormat.MUXER_OUTPUT_MPEG_4)

        val codecName = MediaCodecList(MediaCodecList.REGULAR_CODECS).findEncoderForFormat(audioFormat)!!
        codec = MediaCodec.createByCodecName(codecName)
        codec.configure(audioFormat, null, null, MediaCodec.CONFIGURE_FLAG_ENCODE)

        // Converts click track to sequence of sound buffers (all the same) with
        // timestamps (computed using gaps) for convenience. Gaps are not presented
        // in buffers in order to conserve memory
        val samples = clickTrack.toSamples()

        val bytesToWrite = samples.sumOf { it.data.data.size.toLong() }
        val bufferInfo = MediaCodec.BufferInfo()
        var bytesWritten = 0L
        var index = 0
        var endOfInput = samples.isEmpty()
        var endOfOutput = samples.isEmpty()
        var sample = samples.getOrNull(index)
        var sampleBuffer: ByteBuffer? = null

        while (!endOfInput || !endOfOutput) {
            if (!endOfInput) {
                if (sampleBuffer == null || !sampleBuffer.hasRemaining()) {
                    sample = samples[index]
                    sampleBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(samples[index].data.data)


                val inputBufferIndex = codec.dequeueInputBuffer(0L)
                if (inputBufferIndex >= 0) {
                    val inputBuffer = codec.getInputBuffer(inputBufferIndex)!!

                    while (sampleBuffer.hasRemaining() && inputBuffer.hasRemaining()) {

                    onProgress(bytesWritten.toFloat() / bytesToWrite)

                    endOfInput = !sampleBuffer.hasRemaining() && index == samples.size

                        if (endOfInput) MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM else 0

            if (!endOfOutput) {
                val outputBufferIndex = codec.dequeueOutputBuffer(bufferInfo, 0L)

                if (outputBufferIndex >= 0) {
                    val outputBuffer = codec.getOutputBuffer(outputBufferIndex)!!
                    muxer.writeSampleData(0, outputBuffer, bufferInfo)
                    codec.releaseOutputBuffer(outputBufferIndex, false)
                } else if (outputBufferIndex == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED) {
                    // Not using `audioFormat` because of https://developer.android.com/reference/android/media/MediaCodec#CSD

                endOfOutput = bufferInfo.flags and MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM != 0

        return outputFile
    } catch (t: Throwable) {
        Timber.e(t, "Failed to render track")
    } finally {
        try {
        } catch (t: Throwable) {
            Timber.e(t, "Failed to stop code")
        } finally {

        try {
        } catch (t: Throwable) {
            Timber.e(t, "Failed to stop muxer")
        } finally {


    return null

// Classes descriptions

class Sample(
    val data: PcmData,
    val timestampUs: Long,

class PcmData(
    val pcmEncoding: Int,
    val sampleRate: Int,
    val channelCount: Int,
    val data: ByteArray,

Turned out I misunderstood presentationTimeUs parameter in queueInputBuffer method.原来我误解了queueInputBuffer方法中的presentationTimeUs参数。 It DOES NOT write silence frames for you as I thought.不会像我想的那样为你写静音帧。 It's just a hint for encoder/muxer for av synchronization and ordering if you happen to have B-frames and such.如果您碰巧有 B 帧等,这只是编码器/复用器用于 av 同步和排序的提示。

For audio only file I made it all 0L and it worked perfectly fine.对于仅音频文件,我将其全部0L ,并且效果很好。 This is actually wrong and didn't work on Android Marshmallow.这实际上是错误的,并且不适用于 Android Marshmallow。 You should compute adequate presentation time either way.无论哪种方式,您都应该计算足够的演示时间。

Another mistake was writing silence that is not a multiple of PCM frame size (that is sample size * channel count).另一个错误是写入的静音不是 PCM 帧大小的倍数(即样本大小 * 通道数)。 If you don't do this, you will have audio glitches in the end.如果你不这样做,你最终会出现音频故障。

So in the end I got this code for generating complete ByteArray ready for MediaCodec to consume:所以最后我得到了这个代码来生成完整的ByteArray以供MediaCodec使用:

private fun ClickTrack.render(): ByteArray {
    val result = mutableListOf<Byte>()

    for (event in toPlayerEvents()) {
        // Object containing raw byte array and some meta information like sample rate and channel count
        val pcm = event.sound

        // Compute overall frame count that can fit in event.duration
        // framesPerSecond = sampleRate / channelCount
        val maxFramesCount = (event.duration.toDouble(DurationUnit.SECONDS) * pcm.framesPerSecond).toInt()

        // Compute frames for sound. If sound is longer than event duration, truncate it
        // bytesPerFrame = bytesPerSample (1 for ENCODING_PCM_8BIT, 2 for ENCODING_PCM_16BIT and so on) * channelCount
        val framesOfSound = (pcm.data.size / pcm.bytesPerFrame).coerceAtMost(maxFramesCount)

        // The rest is just silent frames
        val framesOfSilence = maxFramesCount - framesOfSound

        result += pcm.data.slice(0 until framesOfSound * pcm.bytesPerFrame)
        result += ByteArray(framesOfSilence * pcm.bytesPerFrame).asIterable()

    return result.toByteArray()

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