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我可以使用什么来在两个列表中查找名称单词? Python

[英]What can I use for finding names words in two list? Python

I am interested in the finding of the same words in two lists.我有兴趣在两个列表中找到相同的单词。 I have two lists of words in the text_list I also stemmed the words.我在 text_list 中有两个单词列表,我也词干了这些单词。

text_list = [['i', 'am', 'interest' ,'for', 'this', 'subject'], ['this', 'is', 'a', 'second', 'sentence']]
words_list = ['a', 'word', 'sentence', 'interesting']

So I need this output:所以我需要这个 output:

same_words= ['a', 'sentence', 'interest']

You need to apply stemming to both the lists, There are discrepancies for example interesting and interest and if you apply stemming to only words_list then Sentence becomes sentenc so, therefore, apply stemmer to both the lists and then find the common elements:您需要对两个列表都应用词干提取,例如interestinginterest之间存在差异,如果您仅对words_list应用词干提取,则Sentence变为sentenc ,因此,将词干分析器应用于两个列表,然后找到共同元素:

from nltk.stem import PorterStemmer

text_list = [['i', 'am', 'interest','for', 'this', 'subject'], ['this', 'is', 'a', 'second', 'sentence']]
words_list = ['a', 'word', 'sentence', 'interesting']

ps = PorterStemmer()
words_list = [ps.stem(w) for w in words_list]
text_list = [list(map(ps.stem,i)) for i in text_list]

answer = []
for i in text_list:

output = sum(answer, [])

>>> ['interest', 'a', 'sentenc']

There is a package called fuzzywuzzy which allows you to match the string from a list with the strings from another list with approximation.有一个名为fuzzywuzzy的package,它允许您将列表中的字符串与另一个列表中的字符串进行近似匹配。

First of all, you will need to flatten your nested list to a list/set with unique strings.首先,您需要将嵌套列表展平为具有唯一字符串的列表/集。

from itertools import chain
newset =  set(chain(*text_list))

{'sentence', 'i', 'interest', 'am', 'is', 'for', 'a', 'second', 'subject', 'this'}

Next, from the fuzzywuzzy package, we import the fuzz function.接下来,从fuzzywuzzy package,我们导入fuzz function。

from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz

result = [max([(fuzz.token_set_ratio(i,j),j) for j in newset]) for i in words_list]

[(100, 'a'), (57, 'for'), (100, 'sentence'), (84, 'interest')]

by looking at here, the fuzz.token_set_ratio actually helps you to match the every element from the words_list to all the elements in newset and gives the percentage of matching alphabets between the two elements.通过查看此处, fuzz.token_set_ratio实际上可以帮助您将 words_list 中的每个元素与words_list中的所有元素进行newset ,并给出两个元素之间匹配字母的百分比。 You can remove the max to see the full list of it.您可以删除max以查看它的完整列表。 (Some alphabets in for is in the word , that's why it's shown in this tuple list too with 57% of matching. You can later use a for loop and a percentage tolerance to remove those matches below the percentage tolerance) for中的一些字母在word中,这就是为什么它在这个元组列表中也显示了 57% 的匹配。稍后您可以使用 for 循环和百分比容差来删除低于百分比容差的匹配)

Finally, you will use map to get your desired output.最后,您将使用map来获得您想要的 output。

similarity_score, fuzzy_match = map(list,zip(*result))

Out[40]: ['a', 'for', 'sentence', 'interest']


If your input is not the usual ASCII standard, you can put another argument in the fuzz.token_set_ratio如果您的输入不是通常的 ASCII 标准,您可以在fuzz.token_set_ratio中放置另一个参数

a = ['У', 'вас', 'є', 'чашка', 'кави?']

b = ['ви']

[max([(fuzz.token_set_ratio(i, j, force_ascii= False),j) for j in a]) for i in b]
Out[9]: [(67, 'кави?')]


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