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[英]how to convert pyspark data frame to json list without double quotes for numbers and extra // for date columns

I am trying to to convert pyspark data frame to json list which i need to pass the json values to api, when am trying to convert all json values populating with "" like valuue =12 but when converting its coming like value ="12" and date with 3\/7\/2022 how can i avoid these extra \ and double quotes.我正在尝试将 pyspark 数据帧转换为我需要将 json 值传递给 api 的 json 列表,当我尝试转换填充有“”的所有 json 值时,比如 value = 12,但是当转换它的时候就像 value =“12”和日期 3\/7\/2022 我怎样才能避免这些额外的 \ 和双引号。

am using below code:我正在使用以下代码:

loan = loan_detail_df.toPandas()
results = loan.to_json(orient='records')

My output is :我的输出是:


My desired output :我想要的输出:


If you use the following syntax:如果您使用以下语法:

df.write.json(<storage path>)

The output will look like this if the date column is in DateType() format:如果date列是DateType()格式,输出将如下所示:


If the date column is in StringType() format with / as the separator between date components, the output will be:如果date列是StringType()格式,其中/作为日期组件之间的分隔符,则输出将是:


To get the json string values to write out to api获取 json 字符串值以写入 api
you can use the pyspark.sql.functions.to_json() transformation.您可以使用 pyspark.sql.functions.to_json() 转换。

import pyspark.sql.functions as f
df = spark.createDataFrame([
  (1, '2022/03/12')  
], ['number', 'date'])

df = (
    .withColumn('json_value', f.to_json(f.struct(f.col('number'), f.col('date'))))


And the output is:输出是:


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