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不同 iPhone 型号中的 acc/gyro 采样率问题

[英]Problems with acc/gyro sample rate in different iPhone models

As described in the docs here , I am processing a steady stream of motion updates, namely 60 readings/second from the accelerometer and gyroscope sensors.如此文档中所述,我正在处理稳定的 stream 运动更新,即来自加速度计和陀螺仪传感器的 60 个读数/秒。

However, for the same movement recording, I get 98 readings on average on an iPhone 6 and SE2 but 205 on average on the latest versions (12 & 13).然而,对于相同的运动记录,我在 iPhone 6 和 SE2 上平均得到98读数,而在最新版本(12 和 13)上平均得到205个读数。 This is a significant difference.这是一个显着的区别。 The movement's pattern remains similar apart from some value changes in intensity.除了强度的一些值变化之外,运动的模式保持相似。 But I am not sure why the older versions have much fewer readings than the newer ones.但我不确定为什么旧版本的读数比新版本少得多。

Any ideas why this is the case and if something can be done to improve it?任何想法为什么会出现这种情况以及是否可以采取一些措施来改进它?


It seems that the older versions are not actually sampling 60Hz .似乎旧版本实际上并未采样60Hz For some reason, some data is being thrown away.出于某种原因,一些数据被丢弃了。 Currently, the real sampling rate appears to be ~40Hz in one of the old devices.目前,其中一台旧设备的实际采样率似乎约为 40Hz。 The new versions are the ones that are indeed sampling 60 readings per second.新版本确实每秒采样 60 个读数。

In this forum here , for example, people suggested that it is a firmware problem.例如,在论坛中,人们建议这是固件问题。 This makes sense for iPhone 6. Though iPhone SE2 came out on 2020. Seems odd that they didn't fix it.这对 iPhone 6 来说是有道理的。虽然 iPhone SE2 于 2020 年问世。但他们没有修复它似乎很奇怪。

Looks like this is a deep underlying problem with the devices themselves.看起来这是设备本身的一个深层潜在问题。 Nothing much can be done for it.没有什么可以做的。

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