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不能将 `win` 借为不可变的,因为它也被借为可变的

[英]cannot borrow `win` as immutable because it is also borrowed as mutable

I am getting a cannot borrow win as immutable because it is also borrowed as mutable as the commented line我得到了一个不能借用的win作为不可变的,因为它也被借用与注释行一样可变

let (mut win, thread) = raylib::init().size(800, 600).title("Demo").build();
// error at borrowing win
            // here
            win.get_screen_width() / 2,
            // and here

I think there are two possibility (you do not provide enough ressources to test it in my workspace so it is just supposition):我认为有两种可能性(您没有提供足够的资源来在我的工作区中对其进行测试,所以这只是假设):

Save length before calling:调用前保存长度:

let (mut win, thread) = raylib::init().size(800, 600).title("Demo").build();
let width = win.get_screen_width() / 2;
let height = win.get_screen_height();
draw.draw_rectangle(width, 0, 5, height, Color::WHITE);

Or you could just clone your instance:或者你可以克隆你的实例:

let (mut win, thread) = raylib::init().size(800, 600).title("Demo").build();
draw.draw_rectangle(win.clone().get_screen_width() / 2, 0, 5, win.clone().get_screen_height(), Color::WHITE);

Hope this help (and works ^^')希望这有帮助(并且有效^^')


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