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[英]How do I add a swap and comparisons counter in my code?

For a list of numbers, I am trying to sort them in ascending order.对于数字列表,我正在尝试按升序对它们进行排序。 At the same time, I need to add a swap and comparison counter to my output.同时,我需要在我的 output 中添加一个交换和比较计数器。 For the most part, how do I add the incrementation in my code?在大多数情况下,如何在我的代码中添加增量? My code:我的代码:

def insertion_sort(numbers):
    """Sort the list numbers using insertion sort"""
    # TODO: Count comparisons and swaps. Output the array at the end of each iteration.
    for i in range(1, len(numbers)):
        j = i
        # Insert numbers[i] into sorted part
        # stopping once numbers[i] is in correct position
        while j > 0 and numbers[j] < numbers[j - 1]:
            swap(numbers, j, j - 1)
            j -= 1

This is an insertion sorting method.这是一种插入排序方法。

Split up the condition so you can separate the comparisons from the swaps.拆分条件,以便您可以将比较与交换分开。

def insertion_sort(numbers):
    """Sort the list numbers using insertion sort"""
    comparisons = 0
    swaps = 0
    for i in range(1, len(numbers)):
        j = i
        # Insert numbers[i] into sorted part
        # stopping once numbers[i] is in correct position
        while j > 0:
            comparisons += 1
            if numbers[j] < numbers[j - 1]:
                swap(numbers, j, j - 1)
                swaps += 1
            j -= 1
    print(f'Comparisons: {comparisons}, Swaps: {swaps}')

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