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如何在不使用循环的情况下按索引添加 numpy 数组变量

[英]How to add numpy array variables by index without using loops

I have this problem where I would prefer not using loops because I am working with a big data as a solution:我有这个问题,我不想使用循环,因为我正在使用大数据作为解决方案:

This is what I am trying to do: (I know this works to [6 6 6], but I want to "join" it by index)这就是我想要做的:(我知道这适用于 [6 6 6],但我想通过索引“加入”它)

import numpy as np

np_1 = np.asarray([1,1,1])
np_2 = np.asarray([2,2,2])
np_3 = np.asarray([3,3,3])

np_4 = np_1 + np_2 + np_3
# np_4 should be [1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3]

Are there ways to do this?有没有办法做到这一点? or should I look for options outside of numpy?还是我应该寻找 numpy 之外的选项?

You can try the following method:您可以尝试以下方法:


One way to do it is to stack the sequences depth-wise and flatten it:一种方法是深度堆叠序列并将其展平:

np.dstack([np_1, np_2, np_3]).flatten()

Try this:尝试这个:

np.array([np_1, np_2, np_3]).transpose().flatten()


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