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可以将 InfluxDb 配置为在 memory 数据库中使用吗?

[英]Can InfluxDb be configured for usage as an in memory database?

I have just started using the InfluxDb java client for storing some time series IoT data.我刚刚开始使用 InfluxDb java 客户端来存储一些时间序列物联网数据。 I got around to thinking about performance and am curious to know if it is possible for us to use influx as an in memory database similar to H2 or sqlLite?我开始考虑性能,很想知道我们是否可以在 memory 数据库中使用 influx 作为类似于 H2 或 sqlLite 的数据库? Have not found any examples or information regarding this and would love some tips.还没有找到任何关于此的示例或信息,并且会喜欢一些提示。

I believe the only way to accomplish this would be to create a RAM-disk (file system in memory).我相信实现这一点的唯一方法是创建一个 RAM 磁盘(内存中的文件系统)。 Not very efficient: It will use an excessive amount of memory compared to a natively in-memory time-series database, and performance will not be as good as native due to the overhead imposed by the file system.效率不高:与原生内存时间序列数据库相比,它会使用过多的 memory,并且由于文件系统带来的开销,性能将不如原生。

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