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谁能说,为 rpa 分配活动家问题

[英]Could anyone please say, assign activists problem for rpa

I found this error when solving uipath problem.Coukd anyone please help to solve this problem我在解决 uipath 问题时发现了这个错误。请任何人帮忙解决这个问题我在解决 uipath 问题时发现了这个错误。请任何人帮忙解决这个问题

You are trying to access a data in your collection/array/DataTable that doesn't exist, that is not in the range of your collection (if you have 2 rows in your DataTable, you can't access row 4)您正在尝试访问集合/数组/DataTable 中不存在的数据,该数据不在您的集合范围内(如果您的 DataTable 中有 2 行,则无法访问第 4 行)

Looks like a basic thing, but feel free to share with us a little bit more if you're stuck, details of your assign activity for example.看起来很基本,但如果您遇到困难,请随时与我们分享更多信息,例如您的分配活动的详细信息。

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