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无法在 Prefab 中应用边界控制

[英]Can't able to apply Bounds Control in Prefab

I'm using prefab instead of objects.我正在使用预制件而不是对象。 I'm able to apply bounds control's handle style (Hololens 2 style) in Objects But not in prefab which I've created.我可以在对象中应用边界控件的句柄样式(Hololens 2 样式) ,但不能在我创建的预制中应用。 Is there any solutions, How can I apply Hololens2's Handle style in prefab?有什么解决方案,如何在预制件中应用 Hololens2 的手柄样式? enter image description here在此处输入图像描述

You need to save the Configuration in BoundsControl/Visuals as an.asset file for reuse in the prefab.您需要将BoundsControl/Visuals中的配置保存为 .asset 文件,以便在预制件中重复使用。 You can also drag the.asset file from Packages/Mixed Reality Toolkit Foundation/SDK/StandardAssets/Profile/BoundsControl/HoloLens2Style_Slate to the Assets folder, modify it to the style you want, and then add it to the BoundsControl component of the prefab.您也可以将Packages/Mixed Reality Toolkit Foundation/SDK/StandardAssets/Profile/BoundsControl/HoloLens2Style_Slate中的 .asset 文件拖到 Assets 文件夹中,将其修改为您想要的样式,然后将其添加到预制件的BoundsControl组件中。

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