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[英]Return left and right index of maxsubarray

Given a list of numbers, I am trying to find the left and right index of the maximum subarray such as for [-1, 9, 0, 8, -5, 6, -24] the maximum subarray will be [9, 0, 8, -5, 6] so the return should be [1, 5]给定一个数字列表,我试图找到最大子数组的左右索引,例如对于[-1, 9, 0, 8, -5, 6, -24]最大子数组将是[9, 0, 8, -5, 6]所以返回应该是[1, 5]

def max_profit(data):
  max_sum = 0
  max_right_index = 0
  max_left_index = 0
  current_sum = 0
  for i in data: 
    current_sum = current_sum + i
    if current_sum < 0:
      current_sum = 0
    if max_sum < current_sum:
      max_sum = current_sum
      max_right_index = i  
  return [max_left_index, max_right_index -1]

What would be the best startegy to get the right index?获得正确索引的最佳策略是什么?

What does i indicate, the index you're currently at or the value you're trying to sum up? i表示什么,您当前所处的index或您试图总结的value Looks like you messed them up here: current_sum = current_sum + i & max_right_index = i .看起来你在这里搞砸了: current_sum = current_sum + i & max_right_index = i

Anyways, the solution is well known as Kadane's Algorithm , check this out: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/largest-sum-contiguous-subarray/无论如何,该解决方案被称为Kadane's Algorithm ,请查看: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/largest-sum-contiguous-subarray/

My approach was to keep the track of minimum subarray and the continuous sum of subarray starting from the beginning and using that we can find the maximum subarray start and end index since the start index will be end of minimum subarray + 1 (only if minimum subarray is negative)我的方法是跟踪最小子数组和从头开始的子数组的连续总和,并使用它我们可以找到最大子数组的开始和结束索引,因为开始索引将是最小子数组的结尾 + 1(仅当最小子数组是负数)

def max_subarray(arr):
    maximum_subarray_sum = -float('inf')
    maximum_value = -float('inf')
    maximum_value_index = None
    no_positive_value = True

    continues_subarray_sum = 0
    minimum_subarray_sum = 0
    minimum_subarray_end_index = -1

    maximum_subarray_start_index = 0
    maximum_subarray_end_index = 0

    for i in range(len(arr)):

        if arr[i] >= 0:
            no_positive_value = False
        if arr[i] > maximum_value:
            maximum_value = arr[i]
            maximum_value_index = i

        continues_subarray_sum += arr[i]
        if continues_subarray_sum < minimum_subarray_sum:
            minimum_subarray_sum = continues_subarray_sum
            minimum_subarray_end_index = i

        current_highest_subarray_sum = continues_subarray_sum - minimum_subarray_sum

        if current_highest_subarray_sum > maximum_subarray_sum:
            maximum_subarray_sum = current_highest_subarray_sum
            maximum_subarray_start_index = minimum_subarray_end_index + 1
            maximum_subarray_end_index = i

    if no_positive_value:
        return [maximum_value, maximum_value_index, maximum_value_index]
        return [maximum_subarray_sum, maximum_subarray_start_index, maximum_subarray_end_index]

print(max_subarray([2, -1, 2, 3, 4, -5]))
print(max_subarray([-1, 9, 0, 8, -5, 6, -24]))

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