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[英]NX run-commands forward multiple arguments with same name

I'm trying to pass multiple arguments with same name with run-commands, for example: nx run project:build --define foo=123 --define bar=456我正在尝试通过运行命令传递多个具有相同名称的 arguments,例如: nx run project:build --define foo=123 --define bar=456

It seems nx will collapse the argument and forwarding only 1 argument to the underlying command, for example: mvn package --define=foo=123,bar=456似乎 nx 会折叠参数并仅将 1 个参数转发给底层命令,例如: mvn package --define=foo=123,bar=456

Is there a way to disable this behavior so the underlying command will receive arguments as is?有没有办法禁用此行为,以便底层命令将按原样接收 arguments? like mvn package --define foo=123 --define bar=456mvn package --define foo=123 --define bar=456

Any help is greatly appreciated.任何帮助是极大的赞赏。

This is now fixed in v15, parameters are no longer 'merged' in this way这现在已在 v15 中修复,参数不再以这种方式“合并”

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