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将多个 spring-boot 属性文件合并到一个文件中

[英]Merge multiple spring-boot property file in a single file

Is there any automation tool that allows merging multiple properties files in a single file, using spring boot profiles:是否有任何自动化工具允许使用 spring 引导配置文件将多个属性文件合并到一个文件中:


  • application-dev.properties应用程序-dev.properties
  • application-uat.properties应用程序-uat.properties
  • application-prd.properties应用程序-prd.properties


  • application.properties应用程序属性

I know I could do this with a copy/paste but there are hundreds of files for different environments so I want to avoid mistakes.我知道我可以通过复制/粘贴来做到这一点,但是对于不同的环境有数百个文件,所以我想避免错误。


You will have to write a shell script to do this while app deployment or right some task in grade/maven to merge all the files.您必须编写 shell 脚本来执行此操作,同时部署应用程序或在等级/maven 中正确执行某些任务以合并所有文件。

Or you can use @PropertySource to add all of these properties.或者您可以使用@PropertySource 添加所有这些属性。

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