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为什么我的 model 不学习? 每个时代都一样(Pytorch)

[英]why my model does not learn? Same on every epoch (Pytorch)

from sklearn import datasets
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import nn

#loading the dataset
(data, target) = datasets.load_diabetes(as_frame=True,return_X_y=True) #with the as_frame=True data: pd.DataFrame

# converting data,target to tensors
data = torch.tensor(data.values,dtype=torch.float)
target = torch.tensor(target.values,dtype=torch.float)

#split the data 80% train 20% testing
a = 0.8
train_data , train_target = data[:int(a*len(data))] , data[:int(a*len(data))]
test_data , test_target = data[int(a*len(data)):] , data[int(a*len(data)):]

#constructing the model
# for this dataset dimentionality is 10 so the in_features will be 10
model = nn.Sequential(
    nn.Linear(in_features=10, out_features=128),
    nn.Linear(in_features=128, out_features=128),
    nn.Linear(in_features=128, out_features=1)

#loss fn , optimizer
loss_fn = nn.L1Loss() #binary cross entropy
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(params = model.parameters(),lr=0.001) #stochastic gradient descent

#training loop
epochs = 1000

for epoch in range(epochs):
    #1. make prediction
    train_pred = model(train_data)
    loss = loss_fn(train_pred, train_target)


    with torch.inference_mode():
        test_pred = model(test_data)
        loss_test = loss_fn(test_pred, test_target)

    if epoch%(epochs//min(10,epochs))==0: print(f"{epoch} - training loss: {round(float(loss),4)} | test loss: {round(float(loss_test),4)}")- training loss: {loss} | test loss: {loss_test}")

Output Output

0 - training loss: 0.0837 | 0 - 训练损失:0.0837 | test loss: 0.0806测试损失:0.0806

100 - training loss: 0.0433 | 100 - 训练损失:0.0433 | test loss: 0.0431测试损失:0.0431

200 - training loss: 0.0426 | 200 - 训练损失:0.0426 | test loss: 0.0425测试损失:0.0425

300 - training loss: 0.042 | 300 - 训练损失:0.042 | test loss: 0.0419测试损失:0.0419

400 - training loss: 0.0414 | 400 - 训练损失:0.0414 | test loss: 0.0414测试损失:0.0414

500 - training loss: 0.0408 | 500 - 训练损失:0.0408 | test loss: 0.0408测试损失:0.0408

600 - training loss: 0.0403 | 600 - 训练损失:0.0403 | test loss: 0.0403测试损失:0.0403

700 - training loss: 0.0398 | 700 - 训练损失:0.0398 | test loss: 0.0398测试损失:0.0398

800 - training loss: 0.0393 | 800 - 训练损失:0.0393 | test loss: 0.0394测试损失:0.0394

900 - training loss: 0.0388 | 900 - 训练损失:0.0388 | test loss: 0.0389测试损失:0.0389

First, as it was mentioned in the comments, you probably meant:首先,正如评论中提到的那样,您可能的意思是:

train_data, train_target = data[:int(a*len(data))] , target[:int(a*len(data))]
test_data, test_target = data[int(a*len(data)):] , target[int(a*len(data)):]

Next, your target size is not consistent with the output size (this should give a warning).接下来,您的目标大小与 output 大小不一致(这应该会给出警告)。 Using使用

loss = loss_fn(train_pred, train_target.unsqueeze(1))


loss_test = loss_fn(test_pred, test_target.unsqueeze(1))

should give you some traction.应该给你一些牵引力。

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