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就地更改 Numpy 数组值

[英]Change Numpy array values in-place

Say when we have a randomly generated 2D 3x2 Numpy array a = np.array(3,2) and I want to change the value of the element on the first row & column (ie a[0,0]) to 10. If I do假设我们有一个随机生成的 2D 3x2 Numpy 数组a = np.array(3,2)并且我想将第一行和第一列(即 a[0,0])上元素的值更改为 10。如果我愿意

a[0][0] = 10

then it works and a[0,0] is changed to 10. But if I do然后它可以工作,并且 a[0,0] 更改为 10。但是如果我这样做

a[np.arange(1)][0] = 10

then nothing is changed.然后什么都没有改变。 Why is this?为什么是这样?

I want to change some columns values of a selected list of rows (that is indicated by a Numpy array) to some other values (like a[row_indices][:,0] = 10 ) but it doesn't work as I'm passing in an array (or list) that indicates rows.我想将所选行列表的某些列值(由 Numpy 数组指示)更改为其他一些值(如a[row_indices][:,0] = 10 ),但它不像我那样工作传入指示行的数组(或列表)。

a[x][y] is wrong . a[x][y]错误的。 It happens to work in the first case, a[0][0] = 10 because a[0] returns a view , hence doing resul[y] = whatever modifies the original array.恰好在第一种情况下起作用, a[0][0] = 10因为a[0]返回一个view ,因此执行resul[y] = whatever修改原始数组。 However, in the second case, a[np.arange(1)][0] = 10 , a[np.arange(1)] returns a copy (because you are using array indexing).但是,在第二种情况下, a[np.arange(1)][0] = 10a[np.arange(1)]返回一个副本(因为您使用的是数组索引)。

You should be using a[0, 0] = 10 or a[np.arange(1), 0] = 10您应该使用a[0, 0] = 10a[np.arange(1), 0] = 10

Advanced indexing always returns a copy as a view cannot be guaranteed. 高级索引始终返回副本,因为无法保证视图。

Advanced indexing always returns a copy of the data (contrast with basic slicing that returns a view).高级索引始终返回数据的副本(与返回视图的基本切片相反)。

If you replace np.arange(1) with something that returns a view (or equivalent slicing) then you get back to basic indexing, and hence when you chain two views, the change is reflected into the original array.如果您将np.arange(1)替换为返回视图(或等效切片)的内容,那么您将返回基本索引,因此当您链接两个视图时,更改会反映到原始数组中。

For example:例如:

import numpy as np

import numpy as np

arr = np.arange(2 * 3).reshape((2, 3))
arr[0][0] = 10
# [[10  1  2]
#  [ 3  4  5]]

arr = np.arange(2 * 3).reshape((2, 3))
arr[:1][0] = 10
# [[10 10 10]
#  [ 3  4  5]]

arr = np.arange(2 * 3).reshape((2, 3))
arr[0][:1] = 10
# [[10  1  2]
#  [ 3  4  5]]


If you have some row indices you want to use, to modify the array you can just use them, but you cannot chain the indexing, eg:如果您有一些要使用的行索引,要修改数组,您可以使用它们,但不能链接索引,例如:

arr = np.arange(5 * 3).reshape((5, 3))
row_indices = (0, 2)
arr[row_indices, 0] = 10
# [[10  1  2]
#  [ 3  4  5]
#  [10  7  8]
#  [ 9 10 11]
#  [12 13 14]]

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