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Comos Hub - 所有市场和交易所地址的列表

[英]Comos Hub - list of all market's and exchange's addresses

I'm preparing airdrop for my project and want to exclude all exchanges and markets from it.我正在为我的项目准备空投,并希望将所有交易所和市场排除在外。 Is there a list of all the exchanges and brands operating on CosmosHub available somewhere?是否有在 CosmosHub 上运营的所有交易所和品牌的列表?

I doubt there's anything that is perfectly up to date.我怀疑有什么是最新的。 But you could try using the CoinGecko API to build a list.但是你可以尝试使用CoinGecko API来建立一个列表。

Use the /coins/{id} api to filter for cosmos data.使用/coins/{id} api 过滤cosmos数据。 Then you could try filtering for only DeFi exchanges, or whatever else your requirements are.然后,您可以尝试仅过滤 DeFi 交易所,或者您的任何其他要求。 You'll need to use their other APIs to build the filter.您需要使用他们的其他 API 来构建过滤器。

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