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[英]What's the difference between blockchain and immutable linked list?

There is an interview question: What's the difference between blockchain and immutable linked list?有一个面试题:区块链和不可变链表有什么区别?

I answered they were the same technology and then failed the test.我回答他们是相同的技术,然后没有通过测试。 Please correct me what I'm wrong.请纠正我的错误。

Each item in a linked list usually points to the next item in the list with a pointer or memory address.链表中的每一项通常用指针或内存地址指向列表中的下一项。

Each block in a block chain usually references the previous block via it's hash.区块链中的每个区块通常通过其哈希值引用前一个区块。

Saying a linked list is immutable would be relative to how immutable it actually is.说一个链表是不可变的,这与它实际的不可变程度有关。 Is it encrypted?是加密的吗? It can still be changed to something else, that doesn't make it immutable in a distributed environment.它仍然可以更改为其他内容,这不会使其在分布式环境中保持不变。 A blockchain is made immutable (relatively, not absolutely) by the total work (proof of work) that has been done on the chain and the network consensus to accept the longest chain.通过在链上完成的总工作量(工作量证明)和接受最长链的网络共识,区块链是不可变的(相对地,不是绝对地)。 More than a majority of hashpower on the network could theoretically mutate the chain and still be following consensus rules (51% attack).理论上,网络上的大部分算力都可以改变链,并且仍然遵循共识规则(51% 攻击)。

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