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如何在 PDFBox 中将缩放页面居中

[英]How to center a scaled page in PDFBox

I am trying to center the content of my page after scaling it by a factor X. I have tried using the Matrix.translate function but I always end up getting the wrong position, except when scaling with a factor of 0.5 (which makes totally sense to me).我试图在将页面内容缩放 X 倍后将其居中。我尝试使用 Matrix.translate function 但我最终总是得到错误的 position,除非以 0.5 倍缩放(这完全有意义大部头书)。 My current code:我当前的代码:

for (int i = 0; i < doc.getNumberOfPages(); i++) {
                PDPage p = pdfBuilder.getDocument().getPage(i);
                Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
                float scaleFactor = 0.7f;
                float pageHeight = p.getMediaBox().getHeight();
                float pageWidth = p.getMediaBox().getWidth();
                float translateX = pageWidth *  (1 - scaleFactor);
                float translateY = pageHeight * (1 - scaleFactor);
                matrix.scale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor);
                matrix.translate(translateX, translateY);
                PDPageContentStream str = new PDPageContentStream(pdfBuilder.getDocument(), p, AppendMode.PREPEND,


I have also tried other boxes like the cropBox and bBox but I think I am totally wrong in what I do right now.我也尝试过其他盒子,比如cropBox和bBox,但我认为我现在所做的完全错了。 Please help me: :)请帮我: :)

Update I finally found a solution.更新我终于找到了解决方案。 The new translation values I am using now look like the following.我现在使用的新翻译值如下所示。

float translateX = (pageWidth * (1- scaleFactor)) / scaleFactor / 2;
float translateY = (pageHeight * (1- scaleFactor)) / scaleFactor / 2;

Update I finally found a solution.更新我终于找到了解决方案。 The new translation values I am using now look like the following.我现在使用的新翻译值如下所示。

float translateX = (pageWidth * (1- scaleFactor)) / scaleFactor / 2;
float translateY = (pageHeight * (1- scaleFactor)) / scaleFactor / 2;

First of all, it is important to note what @mkl said.首先,重要的是要注意@mkl 所说的内容。

  1. The crop box may be the box you should use instead of the media box.裁剪框可能是您应该使用的框,而不是媒体框。
  2. The code implicitly assumes that the lower left corner of the (media/crop) box is the origin of the coordinate system.代码隐含地假设(媒体/裁剪)框的左下角是坐标系的原点。 This often is the case but not always.这通常是这种情况,但并非总是如此。
  3. The code only scales the static content, not annotations.该代码仅缩放 static 内容,而不是注释。

Now the explanation of the translation (eG translation for the page height).现在解释翻译(页面高度的eG翻译)。 PLEASE NOTE THAT I AM NOT A MATHEMATICIAN AND I JUST TRIED DIFFERENT WAYS AND THIS IS THE ONE THAT WORKED FOR ME请注意,我不是数学家,我只是尝试了不同的方法,这对我有用

  • Firsly, we multiply the page height with the opposite of the scale factor pageHeight * (1 - scaleFactor) .首先,我们将页面高度乘以比例因子pageHeight * (1 - scaleFactor)的相反值。 We need the opposite because the smaller we scale something the more it needs to move from a given position.我们需要相反的情况,因为我们缩放的东西越小,它需要从给定的 position 移动的越多。 If we use the normal scale factor here, the smaller we scale an image the less it will translate to the centre.如果我们在这里使用正常的比例因子,我们缩放的图像越小,它将越少转换到中心。
  • Now the problem is that the translation is still off.现在的问题是翻译仍然关闭。 Overall it moves the scaled content in the right direction, but just not into the centre.总体而言,它将缩放的内容向正确的方向移动,但不会进入中心。 Therefore I tried dividing the calculated factor in the step before through the half of the scale factor.因此,我尝试将之前步骤中的计算因子除以比例因子的一半。 We use the half here because we want the content to appear in the centre.我们在这里使用一半是因为我们希望内容出现在中心。 I don't know exactly why it is precisely this value, but as I said it just worked for me!我不知道为什么它正是这个值,但正如我所说,它对我有用!

If you know why this works, feel free to edit this answer:)如果您知道为什么会这样,请随时编辑此答案:)

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