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[英]Formatting repeated date data in time dependent survival format

referencing the following manual for time dependent survival in R:参考以下手册了解 R 中的时间依赖性生存:

https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/survival/vignettes/timedep.pdf https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/survival/vignettes/timedep.pdf

From the vignette example:从小插图示例:

subject time1 time2 death creatinine
 5       0     90    0     0.9
 5       90    120   0     1.5
 5       120   185   1     1.2

The data I have is in the following format:我拥有的数据格式如下:

In dd-mm-yyyy format dd-mm-yyyy 格式

subject date           death creatinine
 5       01-01-2022     0     0.9
 5       01-04-2022     0     1.5
 5       01-05-2022     0     1.2
 5        05-07-2022     1     1.2

I need to format the data below to match to the data above.我需要格式化下面的数据以匹配上面的数据。

You can't fill in time2 in the last row without more information.如果没有更多信息,您无法在最后一行填写time2 In single-event data, if an individual has the event (like in your example), time2 value in the final row would typically be the time of the event (in the final row).在单事件数据中,如果一个人有事件(如您的示例中),最后一行中的time2值通常是事件的时间(在最后一行)。 For those that don't have the event, time2 might be the time the observation for that individual ended.对于那些没有事件的人, time2可能是该人的观察结束的时间。

So, excluding the final time2 value per subject , you can do something like this因此,不包括每个subject的最终time2值,您可以执行以下操作


df %>% 
  # change date to Date using as.Date()
  mutate(date=as.Date(date,"%d-%m-%y")) %>% 
  # arrange the rows by date
  arrange(date) %>% 
  # group by subject
  group_by(subject) %>% 
  # for each subject, create time2 and time1
    time2 = as.numeric(lead(date)-min(date)-1),
    time1 = lag(time2), 
    time1 = if_else(row_number()==1, 0, time1)
  ) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  # move time1 next to time2
  relocate(time1,.before = time2)

Output: Output:

  subject date       death creatinine time1 time2
    <int> <date>     <int>      <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1       5 2020-01-01     0        0.9     0    90
2       5 2020-04-01     0        1.5    90   120
3       5 2020-05-01     1        1.2   120    NA

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