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[英]graph decomposition using min cut

So I have a graph with vertices that are connected by edges.所以我有一个由边连接的顶点的图。 The min cut function calculates the minimum number of edges which allows the graph to be separated into two connected subgraphs.最小割 function 计算允许将图分成两个连接子图的最小边数。 So the problem I have is that the min cut function does not give me a balanced cut, ie the graph is divided into two: a subgraph and a vertex, and the worst case of my problem is when the vertex appears in the decomposition of the graph.所以我遇到的问题是最小切割 function 没有给我一个平衡切割,即图分为两个:一个子图和一个顶点,我的问题的最坏情况是顶点出现在分解图形。 Any solution?有什么解决办法吗?

Many graphs have many different "minimum cuts" when a minimum cut is defined as one that creates two components with the deletion of the minimum number of edges.当最小割定义为创建两个分量并删除最小边数的图形时,许多图具有许多不同的“最小割”。 It will often be the case that many of the these simply cut off one node from all the rest since this can usually be done with a single edge deletion.通常情况下,其中许多只是从所有 rest 中切断一个节点,因为这通常可以通过单个边缘删除来完成。

So, you need to modify your algorithm so that it keeps searching through the available minimum cuts until one is found that meets your 'balanced' criterium.因此,您需要修改您的算法,以便它不断搜索可用的最小切割,直到找到符合您的“平衡”标准的切割。

Consider this graph考虑这张图


There are 6 different minimum cuts ( size 3 ) that give a single isolated node.有 6 种不同的最小切割(大小 3)给出单个孤立节点。 One is一个是


An un-modified algorithm will probably find one of these and quit.未修改的算法可能会找到其中一个并退出。

You need to keep going until you find one like this您需要继续前进,直到找到这样的人


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