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PyTorch 中的批处理余弦相似度

[英]Batched Cosine Similarity in PyTorch


  • Tensor a of shape [batch_size, n, d]形状为[batch_size, n, d]的张量a
  • Tensor b of shape [batch_size, m, d]形状为[batch_size, m, d]的张量b

Output: Output:

  • Tensor c of shape [batch_size, n, m] where c[i, j, k] is the cosine similarity between a[i, j] and b[i, k]形状为[batch_size, n, m]的张量c其中c[i, j, k]a[i, j]b[i, k]之间的余弦相似度

How to implement this efficiently in PyTorch (preferably without for loops)?如何在 PyTorch 中有效地实现这一点(最好没有for循环)?

try this:尝试这个:

c = torch.cosine_similarity(a.unsqueeze(2), b.unsqueeze(1), dim=-1)

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